The Strain Recap With Spoilers: The Disappeared

Many sub-plots and supporting characters came together last week when Ephraim (Corey Stoll), Abe [...]

Many sub-plots and supporting characters came together last week when Ephraim (Corey Stoll), Abe (David Bradley), Nora (Mía Maestro), and Vasiliy (Kevin Durand) had their fateful gas station zombie showdown, losing Jim (Sean Astin) while gaining Dutch (Ruta Gedmintas).

The episode begins with Zach coming home – right to zombie Matt, who presumably returned home as well after being turned. Eph and the gang conveniently arrive at almost the same time, and Eph is able to severe the zombie's head. Since Kelly isn't here, it's important now for Zach to mobilize, in case she turns and returns.

Eph sends Zach to go to Abe's pawnshop, where it's safe. It's also where Abe says they will be planning "the next battle." On the way, they drop off Dutch. She heads up to her apartment, accompanied by Vasiliy, and starts tearing up the place when she realizes that her roommate stole her laptop and all of her money. Turns out, that's the least of her worries. One of her now-zombie neighbors shows up but is immediately taken out by Vasiliy. She obviously can't stay at her infected apartment.

Zach is understandably crying back in the truck over his mother's dead boyfriend. Not only will his mother be so sad, but also Zach is shaken from being attacked by Matt. Kind 'ole Abe explains that Matt loved Zach, which is exactly why he returned for him.

Nora's mother is still at the pawnshop, and she's furious that they left her there. The group descends into Abe's "batcave," to gather some zombie-killing gear. This is the moment where Abe and Vasiliy, who's "not sentimental," make their alliance official. Abe also gets talking with Dutch, who tells him that she's the one who shut down the Internet, as hired by Eldritch Palmer (Jonathan Hyde) and that "plastic-face freak" German guy. She says it's too late to reverse what she's done, which Abe tells her to keep a secret.

Nora and Eph are at his home, getting rid of Matt's body as they wonder about Kelly. While they're burning Matt's body, they discuss Jim's death. Eph believes that the worst moment of his life was re-discovering the worms all over Jim's back. They don't say any words about Matt. Next, Nora calls her mother to apologize for leaving her at the pawnshop. It's at this completely awkward time that Eph and Nora finally hook up.

Diane (Inga Cadranel) shows up at the house looking for Kelly. They advise her to leave town, but she definitely is not interested in their advice. She'll likely call the cops on Eph, so Eph and Nora decide to leave, heading back to Abe's place to join Zach and the others.

Meanwhile, Gus and his clearly infected friend, Felix (Pedro Miguel Arce) are still detained. A guard finally clues Gus in as to how they can get Felix seen by a doctor, but Felix goes full-tentacle attack mode while they're on the bus to the doctor. Gus is able to un-handcuff himself with a dead guard's key, he shoots Felix in the head, and he begins to run, orange uniform and all.

Courtesy of Poland flashbacks, we're reunited with Thomas (Richard Sammel) and young-Abe for the first time in a couple of weeks. Abe has completed the casket and will soon be rejoining the ranks with everyone else, that is, if the monster doesn't consume him. One of the nights, the monster actually interacts with Abe, breaking his fingers and mocking his God.

Thomas discovers Abe's crushed fingers the next day, eliminating most of his worth as a prisoner. He is lined up with others to be executed – just as shots begin to reign down on the camp. Abe and some other prisoners miraculously escape.

The episode ends with modern-day Thomas, digging the bullet from the train station out of his leg. He remembers back to the camp in 1944, where he also seems to be escaping. He makes it to some kind of underground cellar, lined with candles and housing the casket. The Nazi mourns, "why have you forsaken me?" In response, the Master floats up to Thomas and takes off his hood, revealing himself for the first time. The beast frees one of the worms from his pallid flesh and passes it to Thomas.

What did you think of the Master's revealed look? Let us know in the comments.