These Pokemon Moves Got A Buff In Pokemon GO

Following Pokemon GO’s update yesterday, many trainers have discovered many of their favorite [...]

pokemon go

Following Pokemon GO's update yesterday, many trainers have discovered many of their favorite attacks have changed. And, while several go-to moves were unexpectedly nerfed, plenty of other moves were sent to the metaphorical gym to buff up.

According to Reddit user ThePhrancium at r/TheSilphRoad, nearly 60 moves were beefed up in Niantic's update. That's right - there are now 60 moves which trainers can start experimenting with in their quest for total gym domination. I guess it's time for long-time champs such as Vaporeon and Snorlax to get scared.

Many of the highest DPS buffs belong to charge moves as Pokemon GO is essentially forcing trainers to more carefully consider their attacks during gym battles. Moves like Blizzard and Earthquake have bumped up from 15 DPS to about 25. Other popular attacks such as Hyper Beam went from 14 to 25 DPS. With charge moves such as these getting a boost, it's clear that Niantic wants trainers to be more strategic with their battles. Since the previous battle system encouraged players to button-mash through quick attacks on their way to victory, the game's update now makes players consider type advantage and such more closely.

If you want to see how the update powered up its newly buff moves, you can check out the attacks' power levels. For instance, Solar Beam went from a power level of 70 to 120, a 50 point shift. Previously, the highest power level in Pokemon GO was capped around 70, so clearly, several moves have gotten a lot more powerful. You can check out ThePhrancium's complete list of power level changes below:


Aerial Ace: 25 -> 30
Air Cutter: 25 -> 30
Ancient Power: 30 -> 35
Aqua jet: 15 -> 25
Blizzard: 60 -> 100
Bubble: 15 -> 25
Bubble Beam: 25 -> 30
Bug Buzz: 50 -> 75
Bulldoze: 30 -> 35
Confusion: 12 -> 15
Cross Chop: 55 -> 60
Cross Poison: 20 -> 25
Dazzling Gleam: 45 -> 55
Dig: 55 -> 70
Dragon Pulse: 50 -> 65
Draining Kiss: 15 -> 25
Drill Peck: 30 -> 40
Drill Run: 40 -> 50
Earthquake 60 > 100
Fire Blast: 60 -> 100
Fire Fang: 7 -> 10
Fire Punch: 35 -> 40
Flame Wheel: 35 -> 40
Flamethrower: 50 -> 55
Flash Cannon: 55 -> 60
Gunk Shot: 60 -> 65
Heat Wave: 60 -> 80
Hurricane: 60 -> 80
Hydro Pump: 60 -> 90
Hyper Beam: 70 -> 120
Ice Beam: 50 -> 65
Ice Punch: 35 -> 45
Ice Shard: 12 -> 15
Icy Wind: 15 -> 25
Leaf Blade: 45 -> 55
Moon Blast: 60 -> 85
Mud Bomb: 25 -> 30
Mud Slap: 6 -> 15
Megahorn: 55 -> 80
Night Slash: 25 -> 30
Ominous Wind: 25 -> 30
Play Rough: 50 -> 55
Petal Blizzard: 50 -> 65
Power whip: 60 -> 70
Psychic: 50 -> 55
Rock Smash: 5 -> 15
Seed Bomb: 30 -> 40
Shadow Ball: 40 -> 45
Sludge Bomb: 50 -> 55
Sludge Wave: 60 -> 70
Solar Beam: 70 -> 120
Stomp: 25 -> 30
Stone Edge 55 > 80
Thunder: 65 -> 100
Thunderbolt: 50 -> 55
Twister: 15 -> 25
Water pulse: 30 -> 35
X-Scissor: 30 -> 35

As for the downgraded moves, attacks like Aqua Tail and Iron Head were knocked down 5-10 points respectively. Many of the nerfed attacks were categorized as quick moves, further cementing Pokemon GO's interest in creating a complex battling system rather than attack spamming.