Top Ten Changes To The Spider-Man Broadway Show

It was just a superhero kind of night on the Late Show with David Letterman that aired on Tuesday, [...]

Spider-Man on Fire on Late Show

It was just a superhero kind of night on the Late Show with David Letterman that aired on Tuesday, June 14, 2011. In addition to Ryan Reynolds appearing to promote the upcoming Green Lantern movie, the Late Show also featured an appearance by a blazing Spider-Man. David Letterman made several cracks about the Spider-Man broadway show, which prompted a costumed Spider-Man on fire to run out onto the stage. Letterman also featured Spider-Man as the subject of his top ten list.

Top Ten Changes To The Spider-Man Broadway Show

10. What's to change? It's perfect! 9. Opened extra box-office for refunds. 8. New sidekick, concussion boy. 7. Lots of songs about cast members filling out workman's compensation forms. 6. Plagiarized word-for-word from the hit broadway show "Jackie Mason: The Ultimate Jew." 5. Following Tony Awards sweep, renamed the show "Spider-Mormon." 4. Story is now mostly about Spider-Man's wacky next-door neighbor, Roy. 3. It's just like the Spider-Man movies, minus the stars, special effects, and safety regulations. 2. Accidents now accompanied by hilarious "boing" sound effect. 1. To help more Americans identify with him, Spider-Man now weighs 350 pounds.