Will Ben Affleck Do the Batman Role Justice?

While the DC universe and comicbook fans everywhere are buzzing in anticipation of Batman vs. [...]

(Photo: Warner Bros.)

While the DC universe and comicbook fans everywhere are buzzing in anticipation of Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, at the helm of it all is Ben Affleck, the newest actor to take on the role of Batman. But how does the man himself feel about his new role? And what drew him to play it? Well if you ask Ben, it was a couple of things. He recently admitted to ABC News' Nightline that he's been drawn to playing Batman for a while, and finds him the most interesting because "he's the most human…the most like us."

The other draw for Affleck to the part of the Dark Knight, was his son- a huge Batman fan. So when he had the opportunity to do a movie that his son would think is cool, he jumped at the chance.

And while most celebs have been supportive of Affleck taking on the iconic role, including former Batman Christian Bale, not everyone believes he is right for the role. Seth Green feels that Affleck is just not the right person to bring the character to life and voiced his opinion on the subject to Larry King. To start, he feels that the person playing Batman needs to be older, to represent the years of fighting crime in Gotham alone, and someone that will make Superman afraid. And while he doesn't discredit Affleck's acting ability, he feels like he doesn't have the physicality to make him believable and effective in the Batman role. Below is the clip of Seth Green's conversation on the topic with Larry-

What do you think though? Does Ben Affleck have what it takes to do the Batman role justice, like those before him? We will all get to see his performance very soon, and there will surely be no lack of opinion on the subject.

Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice hits theaters March 25th.