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Game Of Thrones Season 6 Episode 7: The Broken Man Recap With Spoilers

A group of men are building a structure while a group of women prepare food. They’re being led […]

A group of men are building a structure while a group of women prepare food. They’re being led and organized by a man with a seven-pointed star around his neck. A man struggles to carry a large log to the building site. He turns around to reveal it is the Hound. We cut to credits, and to return to see the hound chopping wood. The ringleader comments that he’s never seen a man swing an axe like the Hound does. He wonder what kind of man could have cut the Hound down and laughs when the Hound reveals it was a woman. The group breaks for a meal, and the Hound takes his alone. The leader joins him and remarks that the men seem afraid of him. He recalls finding the Hound on the road and believing he was days dead already. The leader asks what kept the Hound going. The Hound says it was hate, but the leader believers the gods aren’t done with Sandor Clegane. Sandor wonders why the gods haven’t punished him if they’re real. The leader says they have.

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Queen Margaery reads from the Book of the Mother and the High Sparrow finds her there. She quotes from the book and recalls how she use to act to help the poor, but never really loved them. The High Sparrow brings up that the king mentioned she hasn’t joined him in bed since her release. He reminds her that the king must have an heir if they are to continue their good work. He says Margaery has made great progress, and he hopes her grandmother will do the same. He calls her an unrepentant sinner and says that he worries for her safety.

Margaery meets with Olenna in the company of a Septa. The High Sparrow will only let Loras free if he repents and lives his life as a penitent, forsaking name and title. She encourages Olenna to leave and slips something into her hand where the septa can’t see. Olenna agrees to leave, but says she’s see Margaery soon. Olenna unrolls the paper Margaery slipped into her hand to reveal a rose, the sigil of their house.

The Free Folk don’t believe Jon’s fight is there’s. Jon warns them that if he falls the Karstarks, Umbers, and Boltons will come for them. Tormund speaks for Jon, reminding the Free Folk that Jon literally died for them and they’d be cowards if they didn’t stand behind him now. Wun Wun stands and declares himself for Snow. The other Free Folk follow his lead.

Cersei and the Mountain meet with Olenna. Cersei has heard that Olenna is leaving. Olenna says it’s none of Cersei’s concern, and that Cersei’s stupidity is what got them into this situation. Cersei says she right, but that they need each other now. Olenna says Cersei is among the worst people she has ever met. Olenna says she’s leaving before the High Sparrow throws her in a cell and that Cersei should do the same, reminding Cersei that she has no support anymore.

Jaime Lannister rides to Riverrun with Bronn at his side and an army at his back. Bronn comments that the siege looks pathetic. Jaime promises to make Bronn his right hand once he takes control of the Lannister forces laying siege. As they get closer, they find the Freys threatening to hang Edmure Tully if the Blackfish doesn’t yield Riverrun. The Blackfish just stares down at them silently. Lothar Frey takes the rope off of Edmure’s neck and puts a dagger to it instead. The Blackfish tells them to go on and cut Edmure’s throat and walks away. The Freys back down. Jaime tells them to have Edmure bathed and fed and takes command of the siege. Bronn beings giving orders. The Freys begin to protest, but are easily quelled. Jaime tells Bronn to get word to the Blackfish that he wants to parlay.

Jon, Sansa, and Davos meet with the young Lyanna Mormont at Bear Island. They try to make small talk, but Lyanna has little patience for it. Jon makes his plea for House Mormont’s allegiance. Lyanna is advised by her maester. She points out that Jon is a Snow and that Sansa is ether a Bolton or Lannister, but Sansa she is a Stark who only did what she had to do to survive. Lyanna wants to know why she should sacrifice one more Mormont life for someone else’s war. Davos speaks up, saying he understands how Lyanna feels. Neither of them ever thought they’d be in the positions they are in, but he says this isn’t someone else’s war, it’s their war. Davos tells Lyanna that the true war is between the living and the dead. Jon tells her that Jeor fought the dead at the Fist of the First Men. Davos says a divided North will surely fall. The maester leans in, but Lyanna silences him. Lyanna says that House Mormont will not break faith with House Stark today. Lyanna offers all of 62 fighting men.

Jaime rides up to Riverrun’s drawbridge. The Blackfish comes out to meet him. The Blackfish wonders if Jaime has fulfilled the vow he made to Catelyn, but Jaime says he does not have Sansa or Arya. Jaime offers the Blackfish a chance to surrender and spare his men, pointing out that the war is over. The Blackfish says the war isn’t over until as long as he stands. He refuses Jaime’s offer.

Jon pleads with the Glovers, but the Glovers remind Jon that it was the Boltons who helped them take their castle back from the Ironborn. Lord Glover asks who is in this army. Jon tells him House Mormont, but mostly wildlings. Glover sends him away. Sansa reminds Lord Glover that his house is sworn to House Stark. Glover angrily reminds Sansa that his brother answered Robb’s call to war, then reminds Sansa that Robb was with a foreigner when the Ironborn took their castle. He says House Stark is dead.

Theon and Yara’s fleet is in port. Yara is enjoying the company of a woman, but Theon just seem nervous. Yara is sure Euron will come for them. She tries to remind Theon of who he is, Ironborn, and that she’s tired of watching him cower like a beaten dog. She promises him that they’ll get revenge. She tells him to kill himself if he’s too broken to ever come back. Otherwise, her plan is to make a pact with Daenerys and take back the Iron Islands. Theon says he’s with him.

Jon’s army is camped in the mountains, which is less than they hoped it would be. Davos says they still have a chance if they’re careful and smart. After Davos walks away, Sansa insists they need more men, but Jon is determined to fight with the men they have, saying there isn’t time. Later, Sansa sends a raven, signed as Sansa Stark and sealed with House Stark’s sigil.

Back with the Hounds group, the leader is telling a story of how he used to be a soldier. He recalls the terrible things he did. He recalls the shame he felt after murdering a young boy while the boy’s mother screamed. He says it’s never too late to stop hurting people and start helping them. Three men ride up to the group. The men claim to be protecting the people. One asked if the group has horses or food. The leader welcomes them for supper. One of the men tell the group to stay safe, then rides off. Later, the Hound is chopping wood when the Septon finds him. The Hound warns him that those people were with the Brotherhood, and that they’ll be back for whatever they can get.

Arya walks through the streets of Braavos. She books passage to Westeros that leaves at dawn, then looks out at the Titan of Braavos.And old woman walks up behind her and suddenly stabs her. She tears off her face to reveal the Waif. Arya fights back and plunges into the water. She only comes back up after the Waif leaves. She walks through the street, wet and bleeding out from her gut.

The Hound continues gathering wood. He hears noise and returns to his encampment to find the septon’s flock murdered and the septon himself hung. The hound grabs an axe and walks away.