Pedals The Bear That Walks Upright Spotted Again

'Pedals,' an injured bear who earned that nickname by walking on two legs (bipedal), has [...]

"Pedals," an injured bear who earned that nickname by walking on two legs (bipedal), has resurfaced in New Jersey after having disappeared into hybernation.

The the state Division of Fish and Wildflife had asked for help locating the bear back in November, concerned for its well-being, but this is the first anyone has seen it in months.

More than 300,000 supporters signed a Care2 petition asking Fish and Wildlife officials to allow the relocation of the bear to The Orphaned Wildlife Center, a wildlife sanctuary in Otisville, NY. Pedals had been seen walking upright through Oak Ridge neighborhoods on his hind legs because of injuries to both paws. Officials declined the permit to have him moved, although they said that if his condition deteriorated, they would consider it.

"He is a bi-pedal bear and he can only walk upright. He is missing one front paw and the other is permanently injured. He roams the local neighborhoods that he calls home in NJ looking for his next meal. He does not have the capability of running from what he may consider a threat, he cannot climb trees as most black bears do," the petition explained. "He sticks to the local neighborhood because he cannot compete with the much larger bears in the area or navigate some of the tough mountain terrain. He lays down in the middle of the road with exhaustion."

Pedals was first spotted back in August, and wildlife experts speculate he was likely hit by a car. The black bear was last seen December 21, and there was concern that he wouldn't make it through the winter alive.