The Emoji Movie Teaser Has Landed, And It's Actually Pretty Funny

We can probably all agree that when we heard there was a movie coming based on emojis, it sounded [...]

We can probably all agree that when we heard there was a movie coming based on emojis, it sounded like a 💩 idea. Well, now the very first teaser is here and it gives us a better idea of what to expect, and thanks to the ambivalence of Steven Wright's voice, the movie might not be total 💩.

Not much is known about The Emoji Movie, other than T.J. Miller, James Corden, and Ilana Glazer are attached as voices and that the director has worked on a series of direct-to-video animated sequels. How a movie about small clipart objects come alive and get mixed up in their own adventures can be feature-length is anyone's guess, but if it could be done for Troll dolls, it can be done for emojis.

This first teaser still doesn't tell us much about the movie. However, making the apathetic emoji be the star of the teaser wasn't expected, as you'd think they'd just have the biggest stars names pop up on-screen. Also, Steven Wright makes a great voice of apathy, as he always has, and I won't disapprove of Wright getting a paycheck. Lastly, it's at least clever that the aspect ratio of the teaser is that of a cell phone, the format in which we're most accustomed to seeing emojis. If the entire film looks like that, it could be incredibly irritating, but could also be a clever novelty that other movies have never really commit to.

Regardless of how good it looks, The Emoji Movie will hit theaters August 4, 2017.

[H/T YouTube/Movieclips Trailers]