
The Walking Dead Recap With Spoilers: After

The “After” episode of The Walking Dead opens with walkers swarming the ruins of the prison. […]
The Walking Dead After Carl & Rick

The “After” episode of The Walking Dead opens with walkers swarming the ruins of the prison. There is a close-up of The Governor’s dead body on the ground. Michonne is standing outside the prison, katana in hand, watching smoke billow from the ruins.Michonne heads toward the prison. She’s surrounded by walkers, and she hacks their heads off as she goes. She jumps over a spiked fence and watches as a pair of walkers impale themselves. She cuts down a rope and cuts the arms off the two walkers. She’s made herself two new pets. Leading her two new pets behind her, Michonne walks up to Hershel’s zombie head. She stabs it through the brain, then she kneels down to say goodbye. She runs her hand across Hershel’s head.Carl is walking down a dirt road, and Rick is hobbling along behind him. Rick yells at Carl to slow down, telling him they need to stay together and find a place with food and supplies. Carl turns and looks at Rick, but he keeps on walking. Rick and Carl come across a diner with several abandoned motorcycles. Rick tells Carl to stand watch outside. But Carl points out that Rick can barely stand and says he’s going to help him clear it. They come across one walker, and Carl starts to shoot it. But Rick says it’s weak and that he can draw it out. Rick hits the walker in the head with an axe, but he’s struggling. Carl shoots the walker. Rick is mad, but Carl tells him that he couldn’t do it with the axe. Rick tells Carl that every bullet counts, and they might have needed that one later.Rick and Carl gather food from the kitchen. Rick shows Carl his haul and asks him what he found. Carl shows his bigger haul and says, “I win.” Michonne is walking a dirt road with her two new pets. She spies the tracks left by Rick and Carl, and she leaves the road and goes into the woods.Rick and Carl are back on the road, and Carl is still walking ahead. They come across a house, and Rick tells Carl that one is as good as any. Carl wanders away from Rick inside the house, and Rick yells at him to stop. Carl starts yelling curse words, and Rick tells him to watch his mouth. Carl tells Rick if there was one of them down there they would have come out.Carl goes up the stairs to check the second story rooms, while Rick checks the kitchen. Carl comes across a kid’s room. He looks at some DVDs, before pulling a cord out from the TV. Carl uses it to tie the downstairs door shut. Rick is pushing a couch up against the door, when Carl yells at him that he tied it shut. Carl tells Rick that he knows how to tie a good knot because Shane taught him. Carl says, “Remember him?” Rick says, “Yeah, I remember him every day. Is there something else you want to say to me?”Rick tells Carl that they should eat, but Carl says they should save their food. Rick tells Carl to eat it now. Rick goes upstairs and looks at his injuries in the mirror.In a flashback to the past, Michonne is in a kitchen, chopping food with a knife. Two men are sitting at the table. Michonne is arguing with one of the men about art. The man that Michonne is arguing with turns to the other man and says, “Mike, would you please talk some sense into your lover?” Mike says, “I agree with my lover.”As Michonne is wiping her knife clean, it turns into a katana as she pulls it out from the cloth. A little kid comes running up, Michonne picks up the kid, calling him ‘Peanut.’ She walks over to the two men to lay down the plate of food that she has been fixing on the table. Suddenly, there is flashfoward in time, and the two men look dirty and tired. The two men are arguing about staying at the camp. Michonne says, “Ok, I see what this is.” One of the men says that Michonne has gotten good with a sword, which makes her valuable. Mike asks, “For what? What are we going for? Where’s the happy ending here? This isn’t life. This isn’t anything close. Not for me. Not for us. For our son, what’s the answer here?”ย  The other man yells, “What’s the damn question, Mike?”Michonne says she has a question, “Who’s going to open the wine?” Then, she looks up and both arms have been cut off the two men. Michonne

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The Walking Dead After Carl Door
The Walking Dead After Rick