Star Trek: The Original Series Star Cameos In Star Trek: Picard Series Finale

The Star Trek: Picard Series Finale certainly had a lot of nostalgia for Star Trek fans to wash in, including one early Easter egg cameo by an iconic actor from Star Trek: The Original Series


In the Star Trek: Picard Finale "The Last Generation" Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) and his former Enterprise crew are attempting to save Starfleet from a new wave of Borg invasion, that has left Starfleet largely compromised, and Earth in grave danger. The episode opens in the midst of the chaos and carnage, as The Borg use Starfleet's new "Fleet Formation" computer synching to make the ultimate armada all linked together in the Borg Collective. As Starfleet faces its darkest hour, one voice comes over the comms to reassure the fleet: Federation President Anton Chekov! 

Who Is Star Trek's Anton Chekov? 


"Anton Chekov" is a name-drop reference to Star Trek: TOS character Ensign Pavel Chekov – and indeed, the voice of President Anton Chekov is none other than Pavel Chekov actor, Walter Koenig! Anton Chekov is clearly Pavel Chekov's descendant, who clearly had a decorated career in Starfleet, before being the Federation president in 2401. 

At 87 years of age, having Koenig stepping out to once again lend his presence to Star Trek is truly a special thing. The fact that a Chekov rose far enough through the ranks to become president of the Federation gives longtime fans a hopeful outlook on the young officer's rise and legacy that might not be directly addressed in the Picard finale, but it is felt nonetheless. 

R.I.P. Anton Yelchin


Even more touchingly, the name "Anton Chekov" doubles a reference to Anton Yelchin, the young actor who played Chekov in J.J. Abrams Star Trek movies. Yelchin died in 2016 from a tragic freak accident, where the actor's SUV rolled back onto him, outside his LA home. His final Star Trek film, Star Trek Beyond, was released that same year. Yelchin's death rocked his Star Trek castmates – to the point that Captain Kirk actor Chris Pine says it is one of several big reasons he's not looking to return to the franchise: 

"I always thought, 'Why aren't we just appealing to this really rabid fan group and making the movie for a good price and going on our merry way, instead of trying to compete with the Marvels of the world?'" Pine told Esquire earlier this year. "After the last one came out and didn't do the $1 billion that everybody wanted it to do, and then Anton [Yelchin] passed away, I don't know, it just seemed . . . feels like it's cursed."

Paramount currently has multiple plans for Star Trek films to continue – including event films on streaming spun out of the TV universe. 

Star Trek: Picard is streaming on Paramount+.