Domhnall Gleeson Shares the Adjectives That Best Describe Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Domhnall Gleeson is happy to be returning to Adam Driver's side in Star Wars: The Rise of [...]

Domhnall Gleeson is happy to be returning to Adam Driver's side in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. The actor recently shared a couple of adjectives that he felt described the film perfectly. When sitting down with The Hollywood Reporter, the actor was pressed to give just a few small words about the upcoming blockbuster and Gleeson did his best to fulfill that request.

J.J. Abrams' return to the franchise came at the perfect time according to Gleeson. The 36-year-old was happy to pick up his role again in Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Something about Abrams' style of filmmaking excites Gleeson. He told the Hollywood Reporter about the film in the trilogy.

"He invented all of those characters. It's important to take risks when you're making films, and J.J. takes them in the right way. I thought that it was really smart and very, very fortuitous that they got him back," Gleeson explained.

When he was pressed for a few words to describe the film, the actor basically gave the interviewer what he could.

"It's the same as any other Star Wars film. It's excitement, fun and anticipation, but that's true of any Star Wars movie, not just this one. Yeah, I don't want to be the one to offer up an adjective, which will get splashed everywhere, because then I'll get a phone call and I'll be in trouble."

Fans are in for some excitement and intrigue when the movie comes out this holiday season. More details are still to come. This weekend, Disney fans from all over will gather in Anaheim, California to celebrate the House of Mouse at D23 Expo 2019. The convention features panels, presentations, and exhibits from the various properties belonging to Disney, including Pixar, Marvel, and Star Wars. Just like any other convention throughout the year, fans expect some big reveals and news during the weekend's major panels. With just one teaser trailer online so far, and the film's release just a few months away, Star Wars fans are all wondering the same thing: Will D23 deliver a new trailer for Episode IX?

There will surely be something at D23 regarding The Rise of Skywalker during the Disney Studios panel on Saturday, whether it's simply some news about the film's plot or something more exciting like a behind-the-scenes package (Star Wars has made a habit of these videos in the past). There's even a chance that the new trailer could be released exclusively to those attending D23, but don't expect anything to be released online.

All that to say, any information about Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker at D23 will be unveiled during the Disney Studios panel, which begins at 10 am PT on Saturday, August 24th.