Mark Hamill Reveals How He Portrayed Dobbu Scay in Star Wars: The Last Jedi

Mark Hamill is best known for playing Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, but did you know he played [...]

Mark Hamill is best known for playing Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, but did you know he played another character in Star Wars: The Last Jedi? Dobbu Scay, a "diminutive amphibian gambler," was seen on Canto Bight during Finn and Rose's adventures at the planet's casino. Many people know the actor voices the character (Hamill is a prominent voice actor who is currently starring as Chucky in Child's Play), but he also did the motion capture for the role. Recently, someone asked about how Hamill portrayed Dobbu Scay, and the actor was kind enough to answer.

"Hey @HamillHimself. I'm just curious. Did you wear a motion suit for this scene? I couldn't help but laugh when I watched this scene," @Kirin_Arnold asked.

"It is commonly (& mistakenly) reported that I only did the voice of Dobbu Scay, but I filmed the scene in a full motion-capture suit w/ a giant-sized medicine ball to make me the same size as BB-8. I didn't expect to be credited, assuming it would be another unbilled easter-egg," Hamill replied.

Many fans commented on the post, including the original poster:

"Thank you for the surprised reply, Mark....I feel like crying with happiness right now! And you did a splendid job," they replied.

"Ever since finding out about this shortly after seeing TLJ in theaters, I've loved that scene even more!," @OceanGirl790 added.

"Probably the funniest scene in The Last Jedi and my favorite alien character. I had no idea you played the part as well. Great job, Mark!," @jbwillustration wrote.

This isn't the first time Hamill has corrected Star Wars trivia. In fact, he does it quite often, typically adding #TrueStory to his posts. Most recently, he debunked the rumor of which scene in The Empire Strikes Back he filmed the day his son was born.

While Luke may have died in Star Wars: The Last Jedi, fans can still expect to see Hamill's return in the upcoming film Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker. Hamill recently confirmed he'll be returning to the franchise as a Force Ghost, much like Obi-Wan did in the original trilogy.

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is expected to hit theatres on December 20th.