Star Wars: Episode VIII Cast Arrives in Ireland, Promptly Visits Pubs

. The three have been seen out in local pubs, enjoying time off with local fans.Hamill hit Farrens [...]

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(Photo: Cork Airport)

Mark Hamill, Rian Johnson, and Daisy Ridley are enjoying the local sights around Ireland, as they film what's rumored to be the big finish of Star Wars: Episode VIII (Adam Driver and possibly others also recently arrived in the country). The three have been seen out in local pubs, enjoying time off with local fans.

Hamill hit Farrens Bar in Malin Head Sunday night, tweeting out that the "People of Ireland are amongst the sweetest, most kind-hearted in the World - made me feel like part of the family." The bar as a mural of Yoda on the outside of it - almost like the Force has drawn Luke Skywalker there.

Meanwhile, writer/director Rian Johnson and actress Daisy Ridley, who stars as Rey [Insert Last Name Theory Here] hit up McGrory's Pub.

The locals told BBC the stars were all gracious, signing autographs and giving photo ops. It's not the first time Hamill has visited a pub in Ireland - when shooting the teaser for Episode VIII last fall before The Force Awakens had even aired, he went to one and even pulled a few pints while he was there.