New Evil Dead Spinoff Title Revealed (And We Have Questions)
Sébastien Vaniček shared on social media that his upcoming spinoff is entitled Evil Dead Burn.
Infested Director Sébastien Vaniček Talks Honoring Arachnids With His Creature Feature
The filmmaker talks the terrifying new film before it hits Shudder on April 26th. -
New Evil Dead Spinoff Director Promises a “Big Statement” and “Something Crazy”
Sébastien Vaniček teases what’s in store for his Evil Dead spinoff. -
Evil Dead Spinoff Director Offers Update on New Film
Director Sébastien Vaniček says the film is in its early stages. -
New Evil Dead Director Teases Spinoff Film, Hopes to Shoot This Year
Sébastien Vaniček aims to make a “film that hurts.”