New 'The Walking Dead' Theory Keeps Rick Alive Through All of Season 9

Though Andrew Lincoln wrapped up his production on The Walking Dead ahead of Season Nine's [...]

Though Andrew Lincoln wrapped up his production on The Walking Dead ahead of Season Nine's Mid-Season point, his Rick Grimes character could appear in the entirety of Season Nine.

It's purely speculation but the AMC show could leverage their time with Lincoln in Season Nine before the actor head home to spend more time with his family in a way which allows him to appear through all 16 episodes. After all, it wouldn't be the first time the AMC series used timelines or dream scenarios to manipulate expectations.

Assuming Lincoln wrapped ahead of Episode 9x07's production or earlier, given his return to the United Kingdom well ahead of the Mid-Season Finale's production, the actor filmed plenty of screen time for the upcoming season. Though the leading man promises this is last season with the series, he also teases that his "relationship with Rick Grimes is far from over." Assuming Rick Grimes goes missing, on a solo mission, or otherwise leaves Alexandria without dying, it's possible the door is open for an eventual return, with a slew of mystery being threaded into the upcoming season.

What if Rick's scenes, and all of the "episodes" Lincoln shot for Season Nine are flashbacks?

In The Walking Dead comics, the All Out War story is followed by a massive time jump. The amount of time which passed is unspecified and the events which occurred (such as Maggie's baby being born) are never explored. Perhaps Lincoln's scenes all take place during the unexplored time in the comics, leading to his death or departure from the series.

Take a look at what The Walking Dead's sibling series Fear the Walking Dead just pulled off in the first half of its fourth season.

Beginning with its first episode in Season Four, a "NOW" timeline in Fear saw the survivors encountering Morgan Jones and seeking vengeance for an unknown reason. Through "BEFORE" flashback sequences (or entire "BEFORE" episodes), the audience explored Madison's attempt to build a sanctuary, only to be killed off in the Mid-Season Four finale's "BEFORE" story as the "NOW" story came full circle with the survivors' revenge.

If The Walking Dead were to follow a similar format, fans will immediately catch on to Rick's absence in the post-time jump "NOW" scenario. They might begin to expect Rick's death in Mid-Season Nine of Season Nine finale episodes, where an opportunity to reveal he went missing, set out on a separate mission, or otherwise left Alexandria comes into play. This would not only leave the door open for Lincoln to return as Rick Grimes in the future but also thread an interesting and complex mystery into the season's overarching narrative.

Simultaneous to his disappearance being explained in the "BEFORE" story, Rick could return to the delight of the survivors and audience he appeared to have left behind in the "NOW" story.

Should Rick Grimes be killed off on The Walking Dead or should he simply take the leave of absence Andrew Lincoln has earned at this point? Share your thoughts in the comment section.

The Walking Dead will return for its ninth season in the fall. Fear the Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9 pm ET on AMC, returning for the second half of its fourth season on August 12. For complete coverage and insider info all year long, follow @BrandonDavisBD on Twitter.