The Walking Dead Surrounded 360 Experience Video Released

Walking Dead fans, you’re time has come! Tonight, the hit series will return to AMC for its [...]

Walking Dead fans, you're time has come! Tonight, the hit series will return to AMC for its seventh season, and the network is celebrating is a big way. An all-day marathon of The Walking Dead will play over on AMC until Season 7 debuts tonight, so fans can relive their favorite moments of Season 6. But, if that's now enough for you, don't worry. Fans can now experience the what it would be like if they were in The Walking Dead themselves and surrounded by a hoard of zombies.

AMC has uploaded a video to Youtube titled "The Walking Dead: Surrounded 360 Experience," and the title is pretty self-explanatory. The video uses virtual reality to place viewers in the center of a zombie hoard who is looking to eat you for dinner. The video is best seen on a mobile device as fans can plug in headphones and experience the terrifying footage while moving.

So, if you have ever wondered what those zombies look like up close, then today is your day to find out. Just, be careful not to fling your phone across the room if you get scared.

It's worth trying out the interactive video ahead of tonight's much-anticipated season premiere. Fans will remember that Season 6 left off with an insane cliffhanger that promised the death of a major character. Tonight, we will finally learn who Negan's victim is and see how lethal his barbed-wire bat truly is.

At, we'll be covering the premiere every step (and death) of the way. If you want to refresh yourself on the journey so far, you can check out our Walking Dead crash-course here. The full synopsis for Season 7 is also included below, so give it a read to whet your appetite for tonight's premiere.

"Up until this point, our characters have lived through conflicts... Disease, hunger, scores of the undead, tragedy, betrayal, and unthinkable loss. Through this, they've become formidable. Powerful. Unstoppable.

To start Season Seven, that power is taken away. They had found safety and stability. They had created a home. They thought the world was theirs. They thought they knew the world. They were wrong.

The first half of Season Seven sees our group fractured, broken, bereaved, and picking up the pieces while living under the thumb of oppression. Negan will have successfully brought the survivors under his control, brutally convincing them to live under his rules with a deadly and horrific example of what happens if they don't.

Other characters are unaware of what's happened, but have become separated from the group either by incident or choice -- they will learn that they can't escape this new turn of their world, either. This half season is about these characters starting over."

The overall theme of the season is beginning again. The world isn't what they thought it was. It's bigger and it's even more dangerous."

The Walking Dead Season 7 premieres Sunday, Oct. 23 at 9 p.m. ET on AMC.