The Boys: Gen V Episode 8 Recap With Spoilers

11/03/2023 12:00 pm EDT

Weeks after first debuting, the first season of The Boys: Gen V has come to an end with Prime Video releasing the finale, "The Guardians of Godolkin.' Even though the episode was the shortest of the season, it wasted no frame, packing whatever it could into the last moments of the show. Full spoilers up ahead for the season finale of Gen V. Proceed with caution if you've yet to see the episode!

It's havoc at Shetty's house as Cate can't stop hearing everyone's thoughts. After a light argument between Marie and Cate, the latter says she wants to be a hero. Sam says he wants to be a hero too against Emma's wishes, hoping to free all the supes in The Woods. He and Cate leave the others behind.

Marie, Emma, and Jordan argue what to do. Eventually the trio decides to try stopping Sam and Cate.

We see that Polarity is at a hospital in Vought Tower. Andre is pacing outside his room. Marie calls, but he ignores her calls. A doctor starts going over Polarity's MRIs with Andre, revealing that every time Polarity used his powers, he'd tear a number of blood vessels in his head. The doctor asks Andre if he's shown any symptoms while using his powers, suggesting it could be a genetic issue. The doctor says Polarity is terminal, but they can slow any further damage.

Polarity finally awakens and talks to Andre. He tells Andre to contact someone in the wardrobe department at Vought and ask them to resize the Polarity costume for Andre. Polarity apologizes for knowing about The Woods and not doing anything, but warns Andre to continue doing whatever Vought wants him to do.

RELATED: Gen V: Is Victoria Neuman Evil?

Back on campus, Ashley Barrett has arrived to meet with Godolkin trustees since Indira Shetty "is nowhere to be found." Ashley says the university needs a big distraction and the group is going to choose a student to make a member of The Seven.

Cate and Sam make quick work of the two guards at The Woods and unlock all of the cells, freeing the supes. On the way out of the compound, Sam stops back by his old room, where he's greeted by a vision of Luke. Luke tries to convince Sam what he's doing is wrong, but Sam locks Fake Golden Boy in his room.

Cate leads the supe to the room where another supe died of the virus. She rallies them against the university. One of the supes the two freed heads to the quad and asks people if they have powers. He kills those who say they're only human. We see through security cameras that the other supes are doing the same across the campus.

One of the supes approaches Social Media Jeff, but he uses a sonic device that's able to explode the supes' head. He then tells someone on the phone that his cover might be blown, only for Cate to arrive and force him to start a livestream.

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Back at the trustee meeting, one of the people pitch the idea of Maverick, the invisible RA, of joining The Seven. It's revealed Maverick is actually Translucent's son. One of Ashley's assistants tells her of the situation unfolding on campus.

During the livestream, Cate forces Jeff to eat one of the sonic devices and blow his own brain up. Ashley sees it happen and screams out for Shetty.

Adam Bourke is overseeing drama class. Sam rushes into the class and looks around, after Bourke insults Sam he begins choking the disgraced director. before he can kill Bourke, Emma rushes in and gets him to stop. She tries convincing him to stop hurting people, but Sam explains his stance after being experimented on. Sam brushes her aside, saying she'd do anything so that people like her.

After breaking down and crying, it's revealed her powers have been activated and she's now small, suggesting she doesn't have to purge or eat to use them.

A vision of Luke pops back up and tries to convince Sam against hurting more humans. Just as Luke pops up, so does Cate, who's continuing to push her agenda. After noticing Sam's speaking with someone who isn't there, she asks if he wants her help. He agrees and she uses her powers on him, to make him "feel nothing."

Marie rushes into Indira's office and pushes the alarm, which locks down all of the buildings and emits a sonic whistle that stops the supes from their rampage—only it doesn't last, one of the supes uses their sonic powers to break the whistles.

In the board room, a frantic Ashley orders her helpers to call those they're hoping to invite to The Seven. They say they'll offer the spot on The Seven to whoever manages to kill the rampaging supes. Then cell service gets out.

A helicopter arrives to rescue Ashley and her team, but Cate and a supe flies up to destroy it. Andre arrives right in time, and uses his powers to safely guide the helicopter to the ground.

Andre and Marie try talking to Cate to stop her but she uses her powers on a nearby Maverick to convince him to stop Marie and Andre. Cate leaves, causing Andre to chase her while Maverick and Marie fight. Marie goes to cut herself to use her powers, but she remembers her conversation with Neuman.

RELATED: Gen V: How The Boys' Jensen Ackles Returns as Soldier Boy

Instead of harming herself, she uses her powers to find his heartbeat, using one of the helicopter's broken blades to knock him out.

Andre tries to calm Cate down, saying they can figure it out together. She reaches her hand out, and Andre notices she's not wearing her gloves. As tension grows, Sam appears out of nowhere and starts fighting Andre. As Sam's getting the upperhand, Andre uses his powers to summon a nearby taser, using it to tase and knock Sam out.

Nearby, Marie confronts Cate, again trying to talk her down but it doesn't work.

One of the supes is about to enter the helicopter Ashley and her team are hiding out in, but Marie uses the blood of those killed nearby to kill the supe. Jordan's revealed and goes to hugh Marie, but Cate goes to touch Jordan and control them—Marie sees and causes the blood in her arm to swell and explode.

They hear a sonic boom and lo and behold, Homelander lands on the quad. Marie tries to apologize for the ruckus, but he waves her off. He then chastises her for attacking her own kind. He turn warns everybody to stand back and uses his laser vision on somebody off-screen, presumably Marie.

It then cuts to a news report where it's said four Godolkin students—Emma, Marie, Andre, and Jordan—went on a murdering spree and kill at least 12 people. Cameron Coleman then names Cate and Sam the new Guardians of Godolkin.

Homelander watches the news report and smiles.

Marie wakes up in a hospital bed finds herself in a doorless hospital room with Andre, Jordan, and Emma.

"Where are we?" she asks.

Roll credits.

In a mid-credits scene, someone with a flashlight is looking through a darkened, abandoned Woods lair. Camera pulls in and we see their face: It's Butcher. 

All eight episodes of The Boys: Gen V Season One are now streaming on Prime Video. The show's second season has yet to establish a release window.

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