With the Time War seemingly erased from existence, the Doctor’s greatest foes, the Daleks, are taking the spotlight in the final installment of the Doctor Who: Time Lord Victorious multimedia crossover. On Wednesday, the BBC announced Daleks!, a five-part CGI animated series launching in November 2020. James Goss writes the series, which is created by animation company Studio Liddell, and produced by BBC Studios Digital production. Daleks! Is made up of five 10-minute episodes and will feature a voice cast that includes Nicholas Briggs (voice of the Daleks in Doctor Who), Joe Sugg (YouTube, Strictly Come Dancing), Anjli Mohindra (Bodyguard, The Sarah Jane Adventures), and Ayesha Antoine (Holby City). The BBC released a teaser trailer for Daleks! to accompany the announcement, which you can watch above. Here’s the synopsis for the series:
Videos by ComicBook.com
“The Dalek Empire comes up against a terrible force. The Daleks’ plundering of the Archive of Islos unearths something ancient and deadly. Soon Skaro is under attack and the Dalek Emperor is on the run! Can the Daleks defeat their adversaries and regain their planet, even with help from an old enemy? Will this be the end of the Daleks?”
“This latest, fantastic, thrill-packed venture into the world of animation, with the Daleks as the stars of the show, is something so many of us have been craving for years,” Briggs said. “And for me it’s been a marvellous challenge, as usual playing every single Dalek in action, but with the added excitement of portraying some beautifully written, leading Dalek characters. It’s been a blast, and I can’t wait to see the finished production.”
Add Suggs, “I’m super excited and thankful to have been invited to play a role in this new animation. I’ve been a fan of Doctor Who from a young age so to be a part of it is a dream come true.”
Anjli Mohindra says, “When I saw that this series was about THOSE iconic villains I knew it was going to be one hell of a ride and I couldn’t wait to sign up!! I had so much fun being thrown into the wonderfully weird world of remote recording and so thrilled that I was able to be part of something that feel so special!”
Ayesha Antoine says, “I have never been more fascinated to see the final product of a show. To be a part of the animated story of these iconic baddies is really special. The recording session was a whole new adventure – another surreal moment to add to the growing list from 2020.”
Daleks! launches on the Doctor Who YouTube channel in November.