The Muppets Mayhem Cast Answer The Internet's Favorite Muppets Question

Tomorrow, Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem will get their first-ever starring role in Muppets Mayhem, a series starring Lilly Singh, Tahj Mowry, and Saara Chaudry. with the actors out on press junkets last week, wanted to ask them one of the internet's most frequently-asked Muppets questions: If you could remake any movie with Muppets, and one human actor, what would the movie and the actor be? Of course, asking this to actors is probably a little bit of a cheat, because both Mowry and Chaudry said they would cast themselves...but their answers are still pretty telling.

Speaking with Mowry, Singh, and Chaudry about their time with the Electric Mayhem, the trio expressed enthusiasm for working with the Muppets, and a kind of surreal excitement being part of the first studio album by the storied band. But as far as what movies they would want to see made with The Muppet? Well, it's pretty far afield.

"The Lord of the Rings trilogy -- starring me as Frodo," Mowry told "I need to see a Muppets remake of The Lord of the Rings -- I have to!" 

He added, "The Muppets Treasure Island is so good -- I need more of that."

The Muppets Treasure Island, which was released in 1996, remains a fan favorite. In spite of a lot of criticism by hardcore Muppet fans as to Disney's handling of the IP, there are a few bright spots in their handling of the property, and Treasure Island is not only one of them, but one of the key projects that popularized the idea that just dropping The Muppets into an existing world and letting them bring actually a pretty good recipe for success.

Chaudry came in with her own impulse, saying, "I'd want them to remake any Bollywood movie ever, and I'd want to be whatever Bollywood actress was part of it. Genuinely anything."

It's hard to argue that the bright colors and over-the-top worlds and musical numbers associated with Bollywood films wouldn't play right into the strengths of The Muppets. Singh cosigned the idea but, in her own words, had other ideas.

"I'm going to go in a different direction with this. I would love to see the Muppets to Game of Thrones," she said. "Animal as a dragon. Dr. Teeth as Jon Snow. You know what I mean? that's the vibe."

Mowry got in on the fun of casting, saying, "I'm trying to think of who would play Gandalf....Dr. Teeth would play Gandalf, for sure."

He's got the beard!

The Muppets Mayhem is coming to Disney+ tomorrow.
