TV Shows

The Flash: Grant Gustin Teases “Unfinished” Business in Season 6 Finale

Last week on The Flash, Barry Allen finally discovered the horrifying truth that the woman he’d […]

Last week on The Flash, Barry Allen finally discovered the horrifying truth that the woman he’d been cohabitating with and believed to be his wife, Iris West-Allen (Candice Patton), was instead a “Mirror Universe” version. The real Iris remains lost, though Barry is determined to find and rescue her. With The CW series’ current season ending next week a few episodes short of the original episode count thanks to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, The Flash still has quite a few story threads to tie up and according to series star Grant Gustin, some things are left unfinished — potentially even Iris’ Mirror Universe predicament.

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Gustin recently told ET that because things shifted due to the pandemic, not everything will be tied in a neat little bow and that while things with Iris come to a head in episode 6×19 — the new season finale set to air next week — things won’t be resolved quite the way fans might like.

“Yeah, there’s definitely no bow this year,” Gustin said. “Generally, we tend to finish the season with a little bit of, you know, we like that element [of surprise] to end the year and to keep everybody waiting during the hiatus time — but a lot more than usual is left unfinished. It’s not necessarily a reconciliation with a lot of things that were going on with Team Flash, and Barry and Iris’ separation and the mirror-verse — so yeah, there’s a lot that is left unfinished. As we saw in the last episode, Barry had started to catch on in 617 and he finally was having this epiphany that he hadn’t been living with his wife, and something was going on. He shares his concerns with Cecile and the team starts to catch on to what’s been happening and that maybe Iris is somewhere else. We’ll see that start to develop a little bit more in 618 and things will definitely still come to a head in 619, but it doesn’t get resolved as much as we’d probably like it to.”

While Gustin’s comments sound a bit grim for Barry and Iris, even with the season not shaping up in perhaps the way it would have prior to the pandemic, showrunner Eric Wallace previously told that love sometimes conquers all and that Barry and Iris will be brought closer together.

“That’s the strange part is there’s a really delightful beat tonight because remember it’s Barry discovering what Iris already knows and what Iris has been wanting for all these weeks,” he said. “What does that mean? And how can they communicate with each other? Well, I will just say that love can sometimes conquer all barriers including dimensional ones. And as for the future, I want to say this without spoilers, let’s say the ramifications of these next three episodes really set up all of season seven. It’s that big.”

Wallace also teased that a happy ending is still on the horizon for Barry and Iris as well.

“But, as I said before, it’s also going to bring Barry and Iris closer together, which at the end of the day I think audiences are going to just love where we’re going,” Wallace said. “Because I like happy endings and I hope they do, too.”

The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8/7c on The CW.