Latest Rumor on AJ Styles' SummerSlam Plans

On Tuesday, WWE announced Paige would name AJ Styles SummerSlam opponent on next week's episode of [...]

On Tuesday, WWE announced Paige would name AJ Styles SummerSlam opponent on next week's episode of SmackDown. But it looks like her pick may have leaked.

According to Cagesideseats, Samoa Joe will meet AJ Styles for the WWE Championship at the August 19 Barclays Center show. Per the report, Styles is expected to leave Brooklyn still champion.

This rumor certainly fits a narrative that been building for several weeks. Earlier this month, the hosting venue for September's Hell in a Cell, advertised a WWE Championship match between Joe and Styles. That would appear the be the SummerSlam rematch, and a logical point to flip the title to Joe.

But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, Joe and Styles is a great fit for SummerSlam. Really it may be the only option WWE has. With The Miz, Daniel Bryan, Shinsuke Nakamura, and Randy Orton all tied up, Joe looks to have been preserved for Styles in Brooklyn. As of late, he's been tormenting Tye Dillinger, but that looks to be an effort to keep him fed.

Styles is coming of an impromptu, yet stellar, defense of his title in a SmackDown match with the up-and-coming Andrade "Cien" Almas. The match looked to be a one-off in the name of boosting Almas, so barring another surprise its fir to expect Paige to announce Joe next week.

For many fans, Samoa Joe vs. WWE Champion Aj Styles at SummerSlam was only a fantasy. Not long ago, they were pillars of TNA. While no one doubted their talent, few would have signed an affidavit predicting this type of WWE success. Considering their history and prowess as professional wrestlers a SummerSlam story between the old comrades could be a lot of fun.

The second part of this internet prophecy, Styles retaining, also seems likely. WWE is clearly comfortable with Styles being on top of SmackDown. Despite several opportunities to make a switch with Shinsuke Nakamura, WWE doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down on keeping Styles champion. Styles' run has been very productive for WWE. On top of guaranteeing an exceptional match with each defense, Style is making other stars around him better. Look for him to beat Joe in Brooklyn, but for the big Samoan to leave the match elevated and ready for his own turn as WWE Champion.

By SummerSlam, Styles reign atop SmackDown will be closing in on 300 days. A win over anyone — in this case, Joe — would cement his term as one of the best in recent WWE memory.