Bill Goldberg on WCW's Decision to End His Streak

Between WCW and WWE, professional wrestling reached a peak that it may never see again. While [...]

Between WCW and WWE, professional wrestling reached a peak that it may never see again. While there is no shortage of bright spots, some wrestling fans believe Bill Goldberg's undefeated streak was the most captivating story of the Monday Night Wars. While that's open to debate, how Goldberg's streak ended is far less polarizing as most fans would agree it was egregious.

Goldberg's perfect 173-0 streak ended at Starrcade 1998 after Kevin Nash scored the fateful pinfall with the help of Scott Hall and his taser gun. Considering the streak had become a pillar of WCW, to see it end so cheaply was a grave sign that Eric Bischoff and Co. would never truly threaten WWE again.

20 year's later, Goldberg was asked by TV Insider if Nash was the right man to score arguably the most important pin of the decade.

"I really don't know. I was very, very lucky to be in that position. I was a professional football player. I was new in the wrestling business. I was doing what everyone told me to do, asked me to do. I was lucky to be in that spot. I wasn't a creative guy. I'm an athlete. You lead up and have this streak. Then it's okay, who is the guy who is going to be you? I think at the time it was the right guy. I'll be asked that question until the day I die. I'm just lucky to have a streak," he said.

While Goldberg's answer won't spark controversy, it's quite the healthy stance on the matter. Upon arriving in WCW, Goldberg rocketed up the card and was World Heavyweight Champion in just a year. Knowing that the entire company was behind him, Goldberg has nothing but gratitude in 2018.

"Thanks to Mike Tenay, Bobby Heenan and everybody else that was involved. I think the cool thing about it at the time and that sets it apart is it was organic in a predetermined world. It was something that I believed the fans kind of yearned for, and we kind of gave it to them," he said.

With the retrospective complete, Goldberg was asked about his WWE future. Goldberg last competed in 2017, a run that he said was for his son. And if Goldberg has another WWE chapter, it sounds like he'd need similar circumstances.

"Has the itch been scratched for my son? As he is sitting next to me, and I'm taking him to school, I can tell you probably he would love for me to do it again. There is a lot of people he needs to say hello to that he got to be good friends with. I'm sure he misses them. But did that fill the void? I think it did. A lot of things go into it. A lot of things are molding my answer. All things considered for the storyline and the timing, I think it went the right way to do it. I think he is satiated as I'm helping coach his football team this afternoon. There are other things going on in a 12-year-old's life. Right now, daddy is doing NCIS: Los Angeles, The Goldbergs, Knife or Death. There are so many other things," he said.