Bobby Lashley Takes One Step Closer to Meeting Brock Lesnar in Brooklyn

Bobby Lashley will have to beat Roman Reigns one more time to clear his path for Brock Lesnar at [...]

Bobby Lashley will have to beat Roman Reigns one more time to clear his path for Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam.

Lashley won Raw's second triple threat match on Monday for the right to face Roman Reigns next week with a bid to SummerSlam on the line. Lashley hit Elias with a spear just as Seth Rollins had been pulled from the ring. Three seconds later, Elias was pinned and Lashley earned his second big victory in as many nights.

Many fans were crossing their fingers for Rollins to nab this victory and go on the pin Reigns next week in a Shield brethren contest. However, It looks like Rollins will have to take the long road to become Universal Champion.

For Lashley, this is another clear indication that WWE is building him. Given the fact that he just cleanly beat Reigns at Extreme Rules, it seems unlikely that he'll notch a second victory over The Big Dog. However, we'll have to wait and see.

Reigns and Lashley had a nice enough match at Extreme Rules, the bout was one openly protested by the Pittsburgh crowd. Fans have long rejected Reigns, but Lashley also seems to be dealing with a disconnect. while he's certainly doing his best work since his return, it just doesn't feel like Lashley is ready to stand across from Lesnar.

Regardless of who wins next week, fans will be unhappy. But a disgruntled fanbase has never stopped WWE from doing anything. There's an outside chance WWE makes the SummerSlam match a triple threat, but that does little to solve any amount of fan apathy.