Bray Wyatt Hints at WWE Return, Feud With Daniel Bryan

If you think Eric Rowan aligning with Daniel Bryan was anything but random, you're right — Bray [...]

If you think Eric Rowan aligning with Daniel Bryan was anything but random, you're right — Bray Wyatt's latest social media activity suggests he's keeping an on WWE's latest bearded alliance.

Shortly after the Royal Rumble the New Day's Xavier Woods tweeted a photo from 2013 when Bryan served as a member of the Wyatt Family. While that story was a short one, Bryan and Rowan working together carries notes of a larger Family reunion. But it doesn't sound like Wyatt himself will be getting the gang back together, instead, he may be returning to hold them all accountable.

"Many have come to pry me open.

Many have come asking for the key.

Offering promises that the doubt would lessen,

flaunting their oaths as currency," wrote Wyatt.

Some felt that Wyatt would enter the Rumble on Sunday, ending his long absence from regular WWE appearances. Since July, Wyatt has been all but invisible from WWE programming, but reports indicate that he could be back at any moment.

When a fan asked when he'll be back, Wyatt replied with "near time."

It's never easy to translate Wyatt's ambiguous tweets, but a feud with Daniel Bryan and Eric Rowan would be a great way to keep us entertained between now and WrestleMania. The re-introduction of Luke Harper should be significant, too. Does he join Bryan and Rowan? Or does he even the playing field and align with Wyatt?

Regardless, this could be the earliest sign of the WWE Championship match for WM35. Right now, Bryan doesn't have too many people left to beat on SmackDown. Now that he's working heel, there simply is not many babyfaces for him to feud with. While Wyatt isn't exactly Ricky Steamboat, he was certainly a good guy during his partnership with Matt Hardy. Even more, upon taking his break, there were rumors of Wyatt undergoing a shift in character.

For now, we mostly just have our own speculation. But the idea of Wyatt vs. Bryan does make sense and may be WWE's most compelling WrestleMania option.