WWE Icon Jake 'The Snake' Roberts Tells Story Of Smuggling Drugs in Snake Bag

Like Hulk Hogan's foo man chu and The Undertaker's urn, Jake 'The Snake' Roberts will forever be [...]

Like Hulk Hogan's foo man chu and The Undertaker's urn, Jake "The Snake" Roberts will forever be associated with his snake bag. But Roberts' wrestling Horcrux may be the only one ever used to smuggle drugs across the Canadian border.

During an appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience, Roberts not only detailed how is boa contractor served as a Trojan Horse for illicit material, but just how prevalent drugs used to be in professional wrestling. According to Roberts, it wasn't odd for a mound of drugs to be readily available at the arena.

"What they would do is, we would get booked in Hershey Pennsylvania, now when somebody me this story at first I thought, 'This is an old wives tale because s—t like that don't really happen.' You get there in town in Hershey. you get to the locker room and all of a sudden somebody says. 'They need to see you in locker room 3.' — 'What the f—k did I do?'

I go in there and there was this doctor there and he's have suitcases here, boxes over here, suitcases over there, boxes there — 'Whaddya need, kid?' — 'Excuse me?' — 'Whaddya need? Up, down, what?'"

I'd be like, 'Oh Halcion those look good how many can I have?' — '300, done.'" Steroids — 'Absolutely, whaddya got?' I'll take that, and I'll take that, I'll take that. It was like grocery shopping," he said.

Not only was Roberts gobbling up his share of illegal things, but was running an entrepreneurial side gig where he handled his peers' drug haul across the Canadian border.

"It used to be funny because the guys would always be like, 'Hey Jake, will you carry my s—t for me?' We'd be going to Canada and I'm like, 'Sure, it's gonna cost you a percentage of your s—t — give me 10% of what you got I'll carry it across the border for you,'" said Roberts.

But this is where Roberts savvy genius would come in — knowing Canadian security would be uncomfortable with a live boa constrictor (or cobra), Roberts would stuff his loot under the snake and give border control a buyable, yet terrifying narrative.

"So I got 10 guys I'm holding their s—t, where am I hiding it? IN THE SNAKE BAG FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!' You put in the bottom of the snake bag and they go to check it I say, 'You go right ahead brother, but I'm telling you right now… I'm moving back cause that motherf—er is pissed — he hasn't eaten in 3 weeks and if he bites you well, when he bites you try to hold still because if you jerk it's going to rip your flesh,'" said Roberts.

[H/T Ringside News]