The Miz Retains Intercontinental Championship At WWE TLC

The seemingly neverending feud between The Miz and Dolph Ziggler finally came to an end at WWE TLC [...]

The seemingly neverending feud between The Miz and Dolph Ziggler finally came to an end at WWE TLC in a brutal ladder match for the Intercontinental championship. It was the 5th time the Miz and Dolph Ziggler had faced each other for the Intercontinental championship since September 1st and their 22nd singles meeting on television since the start of 2012. Yet, despite their numerous encounters, the two familiar foes were able to find a way to show us something new, including a figure four while locked in the ladder. The Miz was in perfect heel form, brutalizing Ziggler's leg, and hitting a skull crushing finale onto the ladder.

With the loss, Dolph Ziggler fails to join the Miz as a 6 time Intercontinental champion.

The first WWE ladder match took place in 1992 between Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart. The most famous of the genre also involved the intercontinental championship, taking place at Wrestlemania 10 between Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon.

The Miz appeared to be in legitimate pain after taking a fall from the rope late in the match, but made it back into the ring to hit a slingshot powerbomb into a ladder propped up on the middle rope. Just as Dolph seemed to be in position to regain the championship, The Miz kicked him not once, but twice right in the jewels sending Ziggler sliding down the ladder.

After the match, The Miz took the mic to once again taunt Smackdown general manager Daniel Bryan.

Where will Smackdown's A-lister go now that his nemesis has been vanquished?

Where will Dolph Ziggler go now that he can no longer challenge for the Intercontinental championship? Is it time for a rebranding of the Showstopper?

How did you feel about the Intercontinental championship match?