Vince McMahon Reportedly no Longer Officially Involved in WWE Creative

There's been a lot to process regarding today's announcement that Vince McMahon is officially retiring from his roles as the CEO and Chairman of WWE, but there are also several unanswered questions regarding the retirement. One of the bigger questions was regarding creative, as many assumed he might still have a hand in characters and storylines. can confirm that McMahon is no longer officially involved in the creative process going forward, and according to PWInsider is also not in town for tonight's SmackDown. New Co-CEOs Stephanie McMahon and Nick Khan as well as EVP of Talent Relations Triple H are all in town and backstage for the event.

Kevin Dunn and Bruce Prichard will be the main point people for tonight's SmackDown, and according to reports McMahon's decision to retire was made privately "about a week or so ago". Shortly after the decision to have Stephanie and Nick move into Co-CEO roles was made.

There are quite a few different reactions coming in with the big announcement, and it remains to be seen what this new era of WWE TV will look like moving forward without Vince in the driver's seat of creative. Tonight's SmackDown will likely not be too different than what has been typical for the blue brand, but then again perhaps we see some changes make their way into the product too. You can find Vince McMahon's statement below.

"As I approach 77 years old, I feel it's time for me to retire as Chairman and CEO of WWE. Throughout the years, it's been a privilege to help WWE bring you joy, inspire you, thrill you, surprise you, and always entertain you. I would like to thank my family for mightily contributing to our success, and I would also like to thank all of our past and present Superstars and employees for their dedication and passion for our brand. Most importantly, I would like to thank our fans for allowing us into your homes every week and being your choice of entertainment. I hold the deepest appreciation and admiration for our generations of fans all over the world who have liked, currently like, and sometimes even love our form of Sports Entertainment," McMahon said.

"Our global audience can take comfort in knowing WWE will continue to entertain you with the same fervor, dedication, and passion as always. I am extremely confident in the continued success of WWE, and I leave our company in the capable hands of an extraordinary group of Superstars, employees, and executives – in particular, both Chairwoman and Co-CEO Stephanie McMahon and Co-CEO Nick Khan. As the majority shareholder, I will continue to support WWE in any way I can. My personal thanks to our community and business partners, shareholders, and Board of Directors for their guidance and support through the years. Then. Now. Forever. Together," McMahon said.

What do you want to see happen next for WWE? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!