Watch: Randy Orton RKOs Every Single Member of The New Day

After failing to win the WWE Championship at SummerSlam on Sunday night, including being on the [...]

After failing to win the WWE Championship at SummerSlam on Sunday night, including being on the receiving end of a vicious Kendo Stick attack, Randy Orton got his revenge on Kofi Kingston and The New Day on Tuesday night.

The main event of SmackDown featured Orton teaming with The Revival to take on all three members of The New Day. In the end, Orton's team was victorious, with Scott Dawson pinning Xavier Woods.

It was what happened after the match, though, that will make headlines. Orton's feud with Kingston is clearly far from over, and he used the moment to emphasize that fact.

After the bout, Revival continued to beat down on Woods and Big E until Kingston ran in to make the save. Enter Randy Orton, who came in to give Kingston the RKO out of nowhere.

Orton then slowly eyed Woods, who was sprawled out on the mat. He walked over to him, picked him up, and then gave him an RKO.

Lastly, Orton looked to Big E. Revival helped lift the big man off the match, and Orton came over to give him an RKO to complete the trifecta. Then he gave Kingston yet another RKO, just to be sure.