WWE Considering to Use One of AEW's Biggest Ideas

While WWE officials have stated in the past that they don't consider AEW to be competition, the company's actions have often stated otherwise. The latest example came over the weekend when WWE sent out a fan survey asking them a number of questions about future WWE products they might be interested in, including a "wrestler ranking system." AEW has been operating with a ranking system since the company launched in 2019, placing a heavy emphasis on wrestlers' win-loss records and the strength of their competition each time they step in the ring. And while the rankings have received some criticism from fans, they're often a helpful tool to indicate what the future championship matchups will be. 

And while AEW has managed to keep its rankings around for several years, they're not the first company to attempt the idea. WWE did it with SmackDown back in 2018, but it only lasted a few weeks. TNA (Impact Wrestling) also attempted it in the early 2010s but the system failed to stick around for long. 

Do you think it's an idea WWE should attempt? Or will it fizzle out after a few weeks like in the past? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments!

As for AEW, the company announced last week that its joining forces with New Japan for a crossover event, Forbidden Door, this coming June at the United Center in Chicago

"As the world continues to reopen, I'm making sure the Forbidden Door follows suit and we can finally give fans the dream events they've always imagined," Tony Khan said in a press release when the show was confirmed. "The United Center was home to one of AEW's biggest events of all time, The First Dance, where CM Punk made his return to wrestling after a seven-year hiatus. This summer, fans of AEW and NJPW can expect the unexpected during this extraordinary, first of-its-kind pay-per-view between our two incredible companies."

"As we have done for more than 50 years, the power of pro-wrestling can energize people by fulfilling their dreams," said Takami Ohbari, President of New Japan, added. "Now, it's quite an important mission for us, the pro-wrestling industry as a whole. We are not only opening this door. We will show you NJPW's genuine Strong-Style beyond the Forbidden door."