WWE Reportedly Moving Major WWE SmackDown Star Over to Raw Soon

WWE's last Draft in October 2020 saw The New Day split as a trio when Big E was kept on SmackDown [...]

WWE's last Draft in October 2020 saw The New Day split as a trio when Big E was kept on SmackDown while Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods were bumped over to Raw. The move was made at the time to establish E as a singles star, resulting in him carrying the Intercontinental Championship from the end of 2020 all the way up to WrestleMania 37. Many fans have assumed he'd eventually be pushed into a feud with Roman Reigns over the Universal Championship, but it now sounds like WWE has a new idea.

Insider @WrestleVotes tweeted on Wednesday, "I've heard from a few sources an idea making the rounds - Big E moving from SD to RAW in the post SummerSlam draft while still be pushed as a singles [star]. In essence, New Day back together without necessary being a team. If so, E would become a fresh face for the RAW main event scene."

The move would kill two birds with one stone as it gives Raw another main event babyface it desperately needs right now and would rectify the New Day split fans initially hated. How do you feel about the idea? Let us know in the comments below!

E talked about the high expectations fans have for him as a possible main eventer during an interview with Dayton 24/7 back in January.

"I was able to accomplish a lot as a tag team wrestler in one of the greatest factions of all time — The New Day — but I also want to see how much I can do as a singles competitor," he said at the time. "It's been about seven years since I've consistently wrestled in singles matches, and now these last few months I'm getting that opportunity. I want to make sure this run goes... a lot of people have these high hopes for me, which I really appreciate, as a singles competitor for quite some time and I can let them down man.

"There's a lot of, I wouldn't say pressure because I don't feel the pressure, but imagine if over the years someone said 'Man, you should become president of your company. Because you have all that talent.' And for years [they say] man you need to be president. And they finally give you that opportunity to be president and you stink up the joint. And you're late, and you're not doing what you need to do. All that was for not. And that's the horrible analogy that I made for myself so people understand that I don't want to be a bad president of my company. I want people to say, 'Hey man, I'm glad I recommended you for that job. You're doing a great job right now.'"