WWE Raw Superstars Make Surprise Appearance on NXT, Will Challenge For NXT Women's Tag Team Titles

Diamond Mine's Ivy Nile and Tatum Paxley earned another shot at the WWE NXT Women's Tag Team Championships, but Kayden Carter and Katana Chance weren't about to let go of their newly won Titles so easily. The two battled it out in the ring only to have things interfered with by Toxic Attraction, who cost Diamond Mine the match. Chance and Carter didn't have much time to take in the victory, as they were interrupted by two Monday Night Raw superstars. Nikki A.S.H. and Doudrop showed up in NXT to throw their hats in the ring, challenging Carter and Chance to a match.

At the start of the match, Carter and Nile were up first and while Carter hit first, Nile's power was put on display and turned the tides in her favor. Paxley then picked up the baton and slammed Carter down for a near-fall, and after Carter kicked out she got her own near-fall before being knocked down with a dropkick.

Carter dodged an attack and went for a cover and then hit a dropkick off the ropes for another pin attempt, but Paxley kicked out. Carter got to her corner and tagged Chance in for a slick slide into a senton but Paxley kicked out of the cover. Collins went to throw Paxley but she halted it and then they collided in the middle of the ring, knocking both stars down.

Chance kept Paxley from tagging but Paxley kicked her away. Chance tagged in Carter and Toxic Attraction's Jacy Jayne and Gigi Dolin intervened and drew Nile away from the ring, and that was enough for them to combine and knock Paxley out, getting them the pin and the win.

Chance and Carter would celebrate a bit and then went to announce that they had already gone through all of the challengers in NXT, but that's when Nikki A.S.H. and Doudrop's music hit. The Monday Night Raw stars came to the ring and said that they would like to celebrate too, but instead of here why not celebrate in the ring at Worlds Collide, and Chance and Carter seemed game for the match.

We'll have to wait and see if it happens, but it seems pretty locked in. The match should be great too, as Nikki and Doudrop have been a tag team for a minute, though they are going against a true Tag Team in every sense of the word.

What do you think of Nikki and Doudrop showing up in NXT? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!