WWE: Road Warrior Animal Responds To Becky Lynch Burn

WWE superstar Becky Lynch made it clear she wasn't a fan of Road Warrior Animal's past comments, [...]

WWE superstar Becky Lynch made it clear she wasn't a fan of Road Warrior Animal's past comments, and now Animal has issued a full and lengthy response.

This all started when Animal (real name Joseph Laurinaitis) spoke about Lynch's current Man gimmick, saying that WWE should "let her back off of "The Man' thing and let her just be a pure white meant babyface that doesn't quit." He also said there was a problem in the wrestling business "when the women are the main event and they have the best matches on your card". Lynch responded with some jabs on social media, and now Animal has responded on his What A Rush with Road Warrior Animal podcast with host Joe Roderick.

"First of all, Becky Lynch needs to get over herself, first and foremost," Animal said. "When Becky Lynch can achieve what I've achieved in the sport of pro wrestling, then she can call me out. But other than that she's not earned her stripes to call me out alright, and I just want to make that perfectly clear. I don't think anyone in the wrestling world will have any objection to that."

One of the major problems he had with the previous coverage is that it left out all the compliments he paid Lynch.

"Second of all Joe, you remember that article," Animal said. "It's funny to me how people take little tidbits of stuff and they run with it. You also heard me say in our interview that I thought she was the hottest female going today in the sport of wrestling. Did I not say that? Did I not say that women are stealing the show in that company? Okay, so Becky, where is the compliment of saying that [Becky's] the hottest female? Where's the compliment of saying the women stole the show at WrestleMania, at TLC, and so on?"

"No, but they want to take a little bit...and I don't even know if it's Becky Lynch making the comment and not someone in the WWE office, because Becky Lynch is going to try...do we even have a comeback against a multi-time Hall of Famer, and what I've done in this wrestling business," Animal said. "She's won one belt in her life and that's the WWE belt, and Hawk and I won 22 different championships with 22 different companies. C'mon, ya know? And I've wrestled people all over this world, not just in WWE, and I'm not putting down Becky but when you get the kind of stroke that I've had in this business, you when you kinda lay the foundation that I have for her even to have a job today then you call someone out."

"And I'm not trying to be derogatory right now but I'm just being blunt honest," Animal said. "Basically, she needs to get over herself and realize that this is the entertainment business, people are going to have an opinion. Good, bad, indifferent, medium, down the line, whatever, and I gave her more compliments than I did negative, so if she just wants to pull out a little negative thing well then go on and hang on the little negative thing, and just let the positive things go by the wayside. I mean that's exactly how I feel about it."

"I think at the end of the day, I did it not only on our podcast but on multiple interviews, I put her over like a million dollars," Animal said. "I say she's the hottest thing going. I like it that she's a little bit of a bad apple, you know what I mean, so it's what it is, and like I say if someone wants to hang her hat on one little comment, as compared to ten positives, well then hey I rest my case."

So, that's a lot to process, and we're sure that Lynch will have some feelings about those opinions. Lynch is inarguably the hottest superstar in WWE at the moment, and it's been a long time coming.

So, what do you think of Animal's comments? What do you want to hear from Lynch? Let us know in the comments!

H/T (WhatCulture)