Seth Rollins Discusses Becky Lynch's WWE Plans After Her Pregnancy

Becky Lynch announced back on May 11 that she was pregnant with her first child, and that she [...]

Becky Lynch announced back on May 11 that she was pregnant with her first child, and that she would be gone from WWE for a while as her due date is scheduled for December. Lynch has stayed mostly quiet on social media since stepping away from television, though she did clarify in an interview with ESPN that she plans on wrestling full-time again after having the baby. In a new interview with the New York Post this week, Lynch's fiance Seth Rollins echoed that sentiment.

"I expect so. Obviously that's gonna be up to her and how she feels," Rollins said. "Who knows what happens after childbirth once she becomes a mother, I don't know. I believe she has aspirations to return. I think she would rather go out on her own terms whenever that time may be as opposed to stepping away for a child. I think she has aspirations to return, but I don't know. Things can change between now and December."

He also talked about how she's been handling staying at home since the pregnancy announcement, saying that she misses the WWE schedule.

"Oh, she hates it. She doesn't hate not being around the business," he said. "Obviously, any kind of entertainment industry is gonna stress you out, so she doesn't miss that part of it. She missed the go, go, go. She missed having goals in mind. She missed having something to work toward. And it's hard because I've never been a pregnant person, so she's in a position too where she's had to just walk away and stop abruptly, her job. It wasn't like most other women who are pregnant are able to still work their jobs while they're pregnant and slowly transition out for a short period of time. The nature of our industry, she can't do that.

"For her to go just a million miles an hour to nothing and then to try to figure out, 'What do I do now?' in the middle of a pandemic as well, where there is just not a lot to do in general, is definitely a test for her. But she misses being out there and going and doing stuff and being active and having goals and career-oriented stuff," he added. "That's just how she defined her person over the years. It's definitely a challenge for her. She's awesome and she's getting through it, but it's different for her for sure."