WWE Shocks Fans with Andre The Giant Battle Royal Winner on SmackDown

Tonight's SmackDown kicked off with the Andre The Giant Battle Royal, and most of the competitors were in the ring already, but a few got a special entrance. That included NXT Champion Dolph Ziggler, Robert Roode, and United States Champion Finn Balor, and after he entered the match was on. Quickly Akira Tozawa was eliminated, and when Reggie showed off a bit he was eliminated by Damian Priest. T-Bar barely held on shortly after but was finished off by Shelton Benjamin. Priest then went after Benjamin while Commander Azeez tried to throw Ziggler over, but he got back in the ring.

Gulak and Madcap Moss went at it but then Moss eliminated Gulak. Happy Corbin then came out to the ring. Crews was then almost sent over but Azeez helped him and threw Benjamin over. Mansoor went at Ciampa but Ciampa sent him out. Roode then lifted up Ciampa and then Crews was sent over. Azeez then eliminated the Viking Raiders and Shanky helped him, and then they faced off.

Then Azeez and Shanky were both eliminated by just about everyone else, and Priest had Balor lifted but he got down. Balor then sent Priest over the top, Then Roode faced off with Ciampa, and he sent Ciampa over the ropes. Balor and Roode squared off and then Balor tried to throw Ziggler over. Roode helped him and Balor went after Roode. They teamed up on Balor but then Madcap Moss eliminated everyone but Balor.

Balor hit a Sling Blade and then went for Moss but Moss got out of the way and Balro went sailing over the ropes, and Moss is now the latest winner of the Andre the Giant Battle Royal. Moss then gave a speech and talked about loving Andre forever. Then he delivered a joke and the crowd booed, because of course he did.

What did you think of the Battle Royal? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!