WWE SmackDown: Jeff Hardy Denies Responsibility For Car Accident

WWE SmackDown on FOX opened this week with Jeff Hardy in the middle of the ring accompanied by a [...]

WWE SmackDown on FOX opened this week with Jeff Hardy in the middle of the ring accompanied by a microphone to give his side of the story about what happened on the show last week. During last week's show, a storyline was done that alluded to Hardy's real life issues with substance abuse as his car was involved in an accident that took out Elias. Hardy was arrested for the crime, but he emerged at the end of the show and attacked Sheamus.

This week, Hardy denied being involved in the accident. He recounted a story about how he arrived at the Performance Center for the show last week when all of the sudden he felt something hit him and everything went dark. He said he awoke to find himself surrounded by police officers and himself reeking of alcohol. He then recounted his arrest, being confused as to what happened because he knows he didn't slip up or do anything wrong.

Hardy went on to say that there were witnesses who claimed to have seen a man with red hair and a red beard get out of his car after the accident. Hardy said that's why he attacked Sheamus.

Sheamus emerged at the top of the ramp at this point and said that he did not do it and claimed this was Hardy just not wanting to take responsibility for his actions. Sheamus said Hardy didn't have to worry about embarrassing his wife and daughters again by his actions, saying that they're used to it by now.

At this point, Hardy and Sheamus brawled around the ring. Sheamus got the upper-hand as the segment ended.