Watch: 'Woken' Matt Hardy Deleted in Latest Hardy Compound Battle

While WWE hasn't given Matt Hardy much to do lately besides lose matches on Monday Night Raw, the [...]

While WWE hasn't given Matt Hardy much to do lately besides lose matches on Monday Night Raw, the former tag team champion has been hard at work rebuilding his character on his personal YouTube channel. The latest episode of his ongoing "Free The Delete" series saw Hardy compete in a Hardy Compound match against the demonic Ryzin. And in a surprise twist, Hardy actually lost the match. The battle saw Ryzin bring out a few masked goons to help him jump Hardy, only for Senor Benjamin to make the save with a tazer gun. Hardy delivered a Twist of Fate in the middle of a ring (his second of the match), but instead of going for the pin he pulled out a ladder and a pair of tables.

Hardy placed Ryzin between the tables, climbed the ladder and attempted to deliver his diving leg drop. But Ryzin rolled out of the way at the last second and pinned Hardy after he crashed down to the mat.

After the bout the voice that had been guiding Hardy throughout the series revealed that "this battle was not about deleting Ryzin. It was about deleting 'Woken' Matt Hardy."

Because of copyright issues, Hardy changed his "Broken" persona into "Woken" Matt Hardy after he made the jump back to WWE. And while it still had some of the fun from his original 2016 run, it never reached the same creative heights as it did in Impact Wrestling. By the time Hardy returned to WWE television from injury in early 2019, all signs of his "Woken" persona were gone. And based on this latest video, it won't be coming back.

Hardy's WWE contract will reportedly expire in early 2020, and based on his recent tweets the former United States Champion is looking to work elsewhere.

Since Matt's return at WrestleMania 33 he's held tag team championship gold three times on WWE television — twice with Jeff Hardy and once with Bray Wyatt as the Deleters of Worlds. His latest appearances on Raw have featured him losing to Drew McIntyre and Buddy Murphy.