Karen Fukuhara Talks About Katana's Pivotal Moment in Suicide Squad

SPOILERS for Suicide Squad ahead!The end of the second act of Suicide Squad had a lot to process. [...]

Katana Suicide Squad
(Photo: Karen Fukuhara as Katana in Suicide Squad, Warner Bros.)

SPOILERS for Suicide Squad ahead!

The end of the second act of Suicide Squad had a lot to process. As the characters finally come together, it's not because of the chips in their necks or the urging of their handlers, but instead out of a shared desire to just do something good for once. A surprise member of that group is Katana, who turns away from her boss Flag and joins the villains in their desire to just be done with this all.

"It was a very hard scene, because Katana's loyal, she's fiercely loyal," actress Karen Fukuhara told Comicbook.com. "She has the samurai spirit. Within the movie, Amanda Waller and moreso Rick Flag are her 'lords,' so she can't betray her lords, unless there's a problem with the way they're operating. When [the mission] becomes something different than justice, which she is fighting for, which her character is based on, then there's a rift, there's a problem. That's what prompts her to betray him in a way, and make that decision to go into the bar, away from Flag. But it's hard. What do I do? What's the right and just thing?"

That moment was the culmination of her love of Katana and her samurai ways. Fukuhara read the comics featuring the character, and also researched samurai while pulling from her own "Japanese culture and background," being a first-generation American raised by Japanese parents. The scene also led to arguably the best scene in the movie, which offered up a turning point for most of the characters, including Jay Hernandez's El Diablo.

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