Keeping up with its meta-humor marketing campaign, Deadpool 2 has put out a series of cheeky little Valentine’s Day cards, in honor of the Valentine’s Day (fake) holiday. Check them out below:
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These cards perfectly nail the cheesy style of the typical drug store Valentine’s Day cards, which school kids pass out to their classmates. This being the Deadpool franchise, there is also an inside joke laced into each card, with the returning character cards (Deadpool, Dopinder, Blind Al) each making a callback to a joke in the first film. Zazie Beets’ Domino gets a card with a joke about her luck-altering mutant powers.
Recently the marketing campaign for Deadpool 2 began, with the first official poster and trailer dropping. Those promo materials have teased some big (and unexpected) possible developments in the sequel, including big stars like Terry Crews and characters like Shatterstar; a possible introduction of an iconic team; and of course, our first look at Josh Brolin’s Cable in action.
The X-Men Movie Universe continues with Deadpool 2 on May 18th; X-Men: Dark Phoenix on November 2nd; and The New Mutants on February 22, 2019.