Team Flash is going to have its hands full tonight with Caitlin’s emerging Killer Frost powers and identity. While that isn’t a laughing matter, the nature of her powers do lend themselves to a lighthearted reference to a fan favorite Disney franchise.
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In his recent Facebook Live, director Kevin Smith answered a myriad of questions about his upcoming The Flash episode as well possible gigs with the other CW DC shows. When asked if he put any Frozen reference into “Killer Frost, Smith told fans to keep their eyes open.
“C’mon sir, what kind of hack comedian do you think I am? YES! Of course, we did. The whole episode’s called Killer Frost. At one point, look for the in-joke. I’m not going to spoil it here but look for the hidden in-joke, not even an in-joke, look for the hidden reference, look for the Frozen joke there you go. When Caitlin takes Julian Albert hostage, its fast, and you gotta look close, blink and you’ll miss it. It’s an establishing shot of the Frozen food place, but when you see it, you’ll know that we were thinking about you and that exact question.”
It would be a pipe dream most likely to think that Olaf would make an appearance, but who knows right? Anything can happen in the DC Universe, even a sunlight-loving snowman.
The “Killer Frost” episode of The Flash airs on The CW tonight.
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