Michael Gross Has Discussed 'Tremors 7' With Universal

Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell star Michael Gross, who has played Burt Gummer in six films and a TV [...]

Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell star Michael Gross, who has played Burt Gummer in six films and a TV series since 1990, has already had conversations with Universal about the prospect of returning to the series for a seventh.

The sixth installment in the franchise, which began in 1990, will be released on DVD and Blu-ray next week, and some fans had wondered whether it might be the last one, since Kevin Bacon (who starred in the original) is set to star in a TV series based on Tremors for SYFY. But we asked whether Gross had any ideas for the future of the film franchise, and...

"Absolutely," Gross told ComicBook.com. "As a matter of fact, I had a conversation about it today at Universal. Believe it or not, they are kicking around ideas for Tremors 7. Whether that actually gets made or not, I have no idea. I'm not gonna bet on it because I'm not a betting man. I've lost my shirt too many times on bets, particularly in this business, but they're talking about what would we do next."

After almost thirty years playing Burt, it should be no surprise that Gross himself has ideas -- and he told us that he was already mulling possible futures in his head while they were making Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell.

"I was having ideas about that while we were still doing Tremors 6," he admitted. "Yes, absolutely I have ideas. I'm not at liberty to divulge them to you or I'd have to kill you. But yeah. My little brain is cooking about just what's the next evolution of him, what does he have to face next, and what does he need, what does he want, and how do the monsters change, too, if they do. Where do we take this next? So it's very much a part of my thought."

Of course, the official synopsis for Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell sees Burt's life in danger...but even in the unlikely event that he were to die, Gross could theoretically return since we have already seen him play one of Burt's ancestors in the Old West-set Tremors 4: The Legend Begins.

Tremors: A Cold Day in Hell will be available on DVD, Blu-ray, and streaming on May 1.