
Avengers: Endgame Makes More Than Avatar at 3D Screenings Opening Weekend

The inevitable comparisons between Avengers: Endgame and Avatar have already started and the […]

The inevitable comparisons between Avengers: Endgame and Avatar have already started and the former has now crossed a major checkpoint on its way to the top of the highest-grossing films chart. In a statement from RealD released earlier this afternoon, the company behind the 3D format revealed Avengers: Endgame made an estimated $540 million in 3D ticket sales this weekend. Using crude math, that would mean nearly half of ticket sales were for 3D showings.

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Nearly a decade ago, Avatar grossed just $54m in 3D screenings its opening weekend. The James Cameron film went on to gross over $1.35b in 3D showings at the end of its box office run, a record that has yet to be touched. When it comes to Avatar, most box office analysts attribute the movie’s box office to how well it did using the revolutionary format so although Endgame still has an uphill battle at this point, the opening weekend numbers should be promising for Marvel Studios.

“Congratulations to Marvel Studios and Disney for their brilliant execution of this 22 film series over the last 11 years,” RealD president and COO Travis Reid said in the statement. “It has been a remarkable achievement in story-telling, production, VFX, marketing and distribution.”

Figuring in total box offices, Avatar still reigns supreme with its massive $2.78b global haul while Avengers: Endgame had been tracking for a debut weekend of $1.2b as of this morning. If Endgame finishes with a box office multiplier such as Avengers: Infinity War (2.43x), that’d give the fourth Avengers film a total box office earning of $2.92b.

Avengers: Endgame is now in theaters.

How much do you think Endgame will end up making when it’s all said and done? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below or by hitting me up on Twitter at @AdamBarnhardt!


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