The Flash Star Danielle Panabaker Thinks the Arrowverse May Need a Name Change

On Tuesday night, The CW's Arrowverse marks the end of an era. Arrow, the series that kicked off [...]

On Tuesday night, The CW's Arrowverse marks the end of an era. Arrow, the series that kicked off the network's extended universe of DC Comics-inspired programming, airs its series finale. The episode will close out Oliver Queen's heroic story and while the character's sacrifice seems to have charted a solid course for the future of the Multiverse, the question of what to call that interconnected world of storytelling is one that The Flash star Danielle Panabaker is asking.

In a recent TV Guide video featuring the stars of the Arrowverse saying goodbye to the long-running series Panabaker, who plays Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost on The Flash, wanted to know what they'd call the Arrowverse post-Arrow, specifically asking if it was time for it to be "The Flashverse".

"If it's been called the Arrowverse, what's it going to be called now?" Panabaker asked. "The Flashverse?"

The idea of what to call things after Arrow takes its final bow is one that's been kicked around since it was announced last year that Arrow would conclude its run shortly after the events of "Crisis on Infinite Earths" Last August at Fan Exp Boston, Arrow star Stephen Amell was asked about the future of the franchise on the whole and was quick to tell fans that he didn't think the universe should lose its established name.

"I think that kind of by definition once our show is done then in my opinion it... Grant (Gustin) as Barry Allen becomes the central point in the universe for sure and he'll do a great job with it," Amell said. "Just don't start calling it the Flashverse ... just keep calling it the Arrowverse. But you know, there will always be... we just happened to be first."

At this point, it seems pretty likely that the Arrowvere name will stick. It's what fans are used to, though as names go, The Flashverse is among the more popular choices among fans should a re-name be called for. "The Flarrowverse" has also come up a few times, but even if Arrow is gone, it's impact will not be forgotten. That alone makes the strongest claim on why the universe's moniker will never change.

"Stephen started all of this," Supergirl star Melissa Benoist said. "And the legacy he's leaving is pretty incredible. You know, we almost have our own Justice League on television, and the universe is massive and he was always at the helm. So it'll be different without him and an adjustment without him there and without all the Arrow people there."

A one-hour retrospective on Arrow called Hitting the Bullseye airs Tuesday January 28th at 8PM ET. The finale begins right after at 9PM on The CW.