Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters brings the iconic Kaiju monster into an exciting new anime format, with a feature film that has been gaining acclaim in Japan, and is set for a highly-anticipated release on Netflix. Fans who have seen Planet of the Monsters are now revealing that the film has a post-credits scene that you should make sure to stick around for:
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The post-credits scene is as confusing as it is tantalizing, showing Haruo Sakaki surviving his disastrous first encounter with Godzilla Earth, which ended with Haruo trapped in wreckage and in seeming peril, while still vowing to slay the creature. In the post-credits scene, Haruo wakes up to a mysterious native girl working on a cave painting, setting up the larger mystery of what has been transpiring on Earth before the spaceship Aratrum’s arrival, and who this human population is. There’s clearly a bigger world out there, and the next Godzilla animes will be fleshing it out.
Without Godzilla’s big break into anime has been a long time coming, but seems like a logical progression for the franchise. Planet of the Monsters is going to be an interesting experiment for Netflix, as the streaming service is getting ready to debut no less than eighteen new original anime series in 2018.
Godzilla: Planet of the Monsters is now streaming on Netflix.