Sailor Moon is an anime that is one of the “go to” franchises in the medium. With fans thinking of the long running franchise alongside the likes of Dragon Ball Z, One Piece, and Hunter X Hunter, the series focuses on a group of teenagers gaining the powers of the “Sailor Scouts” that they use to combat extraterrestrial threats. With the anime focusing on a similar structure of Sentai Series such as Power Rangers, while also shining a spotlight on “monsters of the week”, the show may not have an anime series currently running, but that doesn’t stop new merchandise from appearing regularly!
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A brand new make-up kit has been released thanks to the makeup producers at ColourPop, allowing fans to look like their favorite Sailor Scouts. The official description for the makeup line reads as such:
“Get the full Sailor Moon x ColourPop collection, one of our most requested collabs yet! This set includes our first ever lenticular printed palette and compacts, it’s like a gif IRL! The Pretty Guardian Palette is perfectly pastel to create your cutest looks. The set also includes 2 lip bundles, 2 blush compacts, and 2 glitter gels!”
ColourPop shared the release information about the current makeup kit, displaying the Sailor Moon featured collection that retails for around $89 USD and is so popular that fans may have to wait a little longer to have a kit of their own as the stock replenishes:
Shop our #SAILORMOONXCOLOURPOP collection!
In the collection:
— ColourPop Cosmetics (@ColourPopCo) February 20, 2020
✨Pretty Guardian Shadow Palette
🌚Moonlight Lip Bundle
🌞Daylight Lip Bundle
🌙Glitterally Obsessed
🐱Pressed Powder Blush#sailormoon
Sailor Moon will be hitting 2020 hard, not just with this new line of products, but also with the upcoming animated film, Sailor Moon Eternal. On top of this film, Sailor Moon is also getting an ice skating show of its own, premiering in Japan later this year with champion figure skater Evgenia Medvedeva portraying the titular Sailor Scout in Sailor Moon Prism On Ice. While there’s no television series in the works, it’s clear that Sailor Moon continues to have a passionate fan base within the world of anime.
Will you be trying to pick up this makeup kit featuring Sailor Moon? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics and anime!
Note: If you purchase one of the awesome, independently chosen products featured here, we may earn a small commission from the retailer. Thank you for your support.