Dragon Ball Reveals The Universe Seed's Impressive Power

Dragon Ball has kept its anime front clear for the most part, but not even Son Goku could resist [...]

Dragon Ball has kept its anime front clear for the most part, but not even Son Goku could resist the might of Dragon Ball Heroes. The franchise debuted a new promotional anime Super Dragon Ball Heroes over a year ago which imagined some very non-canon fights for fans. With a powerful relic threatening the whole multiverse, the Universe Seed has become a weapon of mass destruction, but that is not all.

Thanks to a brand-new episode, fans were finally let in on what the Universe Seed can do, and it is more than terrifying.

Recently, Dragon Ball Heroes episode 14 went live with the special Universe Seed reveal. Fans watched as Kamioren took on Piccolo and Android 17 with little success. The two fighters from Universe 7 had no problem fighting the fused Androids, but Kamioren was not about to give up so easily.

Calling out to Hearts, the fused fighter asked for more power. It was then he pushed the Universe Seed to compact itself, and Hearts sent the glowing relic to Kamioren. It was there the fused fighters absorbed the seed into their body, and its overwhelming power was hard to overlook. Not only did its power give Kamioren a brand-new transformation, but their strength was off the charts. The duo were able to swat away Piccolo and Android 17 with ease. Now, it is up to Goku to take down the fused pair, and fans are intrigued to see what the Universe Seed can do when it is fully powered up.

So, are you surprised by the power of this mysterious Dragon Ball artifact? Let me know in the comments or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB to talk all things comics and anime!

If you're unaware of this arcade game the promotional anime series is based on, Super Dragon Ball Heroes is the latest digital card fighting game and the top earner in the digital card arcade scene in Japan. Developed by Dimps, the update brought enhanced graphics and the ability to play as seven characters at the same time and provides all sorts of fantastic fan-service never seen in the original series. You can experience it in a way through Super Dragon Ball Heroes: World Mission on Nintendo Switch. Check out our review of the game here for more details.