My Hero Academia Sets Up a Major Battle with a Climatic Cliffhanger

My Hero Academia's big war arc seems to be (at long last) reaching the climatic point of its main [...]

My Hero Academia's big war arc seems to be (at long last) reaching the climatic point of its main event battle, between Tomura Shigaraki and his rival Izuku Midoriya. That battle has brought the two main powers of My Hero Academia - the benevolent One For All and nefarious All For One - colliding harder than ever before. In the midst of that chaos, we've learned some shocking revelations about the respective powers of OFA and AFO, and their history - new details that could change the nature of My Hero Academia forever. But first: we need to see who is going to make it out alive!

Warning My Hero Academia Chapter 289 SPOILERS Follow!

The second half of My Hero Academia's War Arc has been focused on two ferocious sites of battle: the main fight between Shigaraki and Midoriya (featuring Bakugo, Endeavor, Shoto, and some of the top pro heroes - and the battle to slow the advance of Gigantomachia, the League of Villains' hulking monster, who only lives for one goal: serving and protecting his master, All For One. Gigantomachia has spent several chapters tearing across the span of land between where the League's Paranormal Liberation Front army is stationed, to the mountain research center, Shigaraki emerged from Doctor Garaki's power-boosting tank. Now those two massive threats are finally colliding, as chapter 289 ends with Gigantomachia finally reaching Shigaraki's position. The big guy isn't alone, either: Shigaraki's League of Villains/PLF lieutenants are riding along Gigantomachia's back - and they are ready to rumble!

My Hero Academia Final Battle War Arc Preview Manga 285 Spoilers
(Photo: Shonen Jump Magazine)

This final battle in My Hero Academia's War Arc looks like it could be some of the epic matchup fans have been waiting for - especially in one main regard. Dabi, Endeavor, and Shoto Todoroki are all about to find themselves on the same battlefield, which could result in some longstanding fan theory either finally getting confirmed - or totally debunked for good. The good guys have their own reinforcements in the form of Class 1-A rep (and speed hero) Lida arriving on the scene to warn of Gigantomachia - backing him up is "Big 3" member Nejire Hado, who is the last (and long-awaited) member of the trio to get a big spotlight moment in a battle. All big events that could soon go down.

Of course, this is My Hero Academia we're talking about, so this climatic setup could be a red herring. Shigaraki is pretty worn down and injured - same goes for Deku, Bakugo and Endeavor. Gigantomachia may just provide Shigaraki and the PLF leaders with a hasty means of retreat - as All For One has advised.
