Early on in the series, the mystery behind Naruto’s parents swarmed around viewers as the young plucky ninja attempted to make a name for himself in the halls of the village of Konoha, the hidden leaf village. As the series went on, we realized that Naruto’s father was in fact the fourth hokage, or leader, of the village itself, with Minato being coined as the “Yellow Flash” of Konoha, thanks to his speed and power. One fan decided to bring this character to life as part of her graduation ceremony, taking the next step in life as one of the strongest character in Naruto history.
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Reddit User Ethyem shared her photo of herself as the Fourth Hokage, wearing a graduation outfit that gives props to the father of Naruto:
Naruto’s father was the one to originally burden his son with the spirit of the nine-tailed fox. In order to imprison the demon, Minato was forced to use his son as a vessel, with his body acting as a prison for the beast. While performing the ritual, Kurama saw what Minato was attempting and tried to stop the ritual which would see him driven from this earthly plane. In saving their son, both Minato and Kushina, Naruto’s mother, were forced to sacrifice themselves to stop Kurama from killing Naruto during the process.
Minato did make a “return” later in the Naruto: Shippuden series during the Ninja World War wherein series villain Orcohimaru brought back nearly every dead ninja under his control using a forbidden ninjutsu technique. The Yellow Flash reconnected with his son and couldn’t have been more proud of the steps that Naruto was taking in order to become a future hokage of Konoha.
With the series now focusing on Naruto’s son, Boruto, it would be interesting to see how the next generation would react to meeting his grandfather, the Yellow Flash of Konoha.
What do you think of this fantastic graduation themed rendition of the fourth hokage, Minato the Yellow Flash? If you were to dress up as a Naruto character for your graduation, who would you choose? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter to talk all things comics, anime, and hokages.
Originally created by Masashi Kishimoto for Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump in 1999, Naruto follows a young ninja, with a sealed demon within him, that wishes to become the leader of his home village. The series ran for 700 chapters overall, and was adapted into an anime series by Studio Pierrot and Aniplex that ran from 2002 to 2017. The series was popular enough to warrant a sequel, Boruto: Naruto Next Generations which is set several years after the events of the original Naruto story and features the children of many of its key characters such as Naruto and Hinata.