One Piece: Red is set to be the next major chapter of the Shonen franchise following the Straw Hat Pirates, with the manga recently bringing the War For Wano Arc to a close and the anime continuing to tell the tale of Luffy battling against Kaido. With the film set to introduce Shanks’ daughter, Uta, for the first time, it seems that the singing voice behind the ultimate diva, Ado, has released a new music video to hype the world of the Grand Line’s return to the silver screen.
Though One Piece: Red has revealed a number of details when it comes to its story and the characters that are set to appear in the upcoming summer blockbuster, there are still plenty of questions surrounding the return of Shanks and the introduction of his daughter. One major question that many fans have been asking themselves is whether or not the film will actually see the red-haired swashbuckler re-unite with Monkey D. Luffy, a moment that fans have been waiting for for quite some time within One Piece. With marketing material showing that Luffy and the Straw Hats come into contact with Uta, it’s still anyone’s guess if Red will finally give fans the moment they’ve been waiting for.
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Ado herself released the new music video featuring her character from One Piece: Red, titled New Era, in which the daughter of Shanks is attempting to prove that she truly is the “ultimate diva” as he relationship with the Straw Hat Pirates remains a mystery as to whether she will be friend or foe:
While One Piece: Red is hitting theaters in Japan this August, the film has yet to reveal when it will be doing the same around the world. If past releases are any indication, such as the previous film, One Piece: Stampede, fans might expect the return of Shanks to arrive in theaters around the world later this year, perhaps setting it up for a fall release. With Crunchyroll currently working on the global release of Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero, perhaps the streaming company will be doing the same for Luffy and his Straw Hat Pirates.
What role do you think Uta will play in One Piece: Red? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Grand Line.