
Has Joss Whedon Quit Twitter?

Back in March of this year, Avengers director Joss Whedon started tweeting under the Twitter […]
Joss Whedon

Back in March of this year, Avengers director Joss Whedon started tweeting under the Twitter handle @MuchAdoFilm.  The Internet world celebrated his arrival to the Twittersphere.Back in May, Joss Whedon switched to using his own handle on Twitter, briefly using @JossActual before getting @JossWhedon. For the second time this year, the Internet world celebrated the arrival of Joss Whedon to the Twittersphere.From mid-May through mid-July, Joss Whedon proved to be an active tweeter, often sharing his thoughts several times a day. Then, on July 16, Joss Whedon tweeted, “A fun thing to do on twitter is stop.”He hasn’t tweeted since. While Joss Whedon’s arrival on Twitter was covered by virtually all of the major entertainment websites, his departure from Twitter appears to have gone virtually unnoticed.Of course, the timing of Joss Whedon’s departure might have created doubt if he was really quitting. Joss Whedon made his announcement two days before the official start of Comic-Con, so many probably assumed he was just taking a break to focus on Comic-Con.However, Comic-Con has come and gone, but Joss Whedon has yet to return to Twitter. Could Joss Whedon really be gone from Twitter forever?

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