During a recent interview with Total Film at the Sundance Film Festival, actor, filmmaker and activist Mark Ruffalo–that’s the latest incarnation of Bruce Banner to comic book movie fans–told the site that he sees working on a massive franchise like The Avengers as a perfect opportunity to use his work and art to educate viewers regarding the environment, and that he’d like to try a Hulk standalone movie wherein some of those themes could be explored.”As artists we have an ability to reach a lot of people in a deep way, and we have a responsibility,” Ruffalo said. “What we have to do as storytellers is to take science and make it relatable. I think we have to tell the story of the positive & what we’re going to try to do. Give them alternatives but don’t make it a polemic.”Ruffalo has put his money where his mouth is in the past, splitting his time and even his movies between serious, often political work and lighter, often more disposable box office bait.
Avengers: Age of Ultron Star Mark Ruffalo Wants To Recruit A Solo Hulk Movie For Activism
During a recent interview with Total Film at the Sundance Film Festival, actor, filmmaker and […]