With the tremendous success that the Marvel brand has had in film, there are a lot of other studios that would like to replicate that success. So it’s no surprise that Dan Aykroyd would like to see the same thing happen for Ghostbusters.
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According to The Hollywood Reporter, Aykroyd offered up the following vision for the Ghostbusters franchise while appearing in London to promote Crystal Head vodka.
It’s beyond just another sequel, a prequel, another TV show. I’m thinking what does the whole brand mean to Sony? What does Pixar and Star Wars mean to Disney? What does Marvel mean to Fox?
Of course, Aykroyd might be a little confused on all the technical details of the Marvel film rights. The Marvel character rights are split between Sony, Fox, and Disney, so Marvel actually means a lot to all three studios. But it’s probably Disney who the Marvel brand means the most to, as Marvel Studios maintains the rights to the majority of the Marvel characters.
Aykroyd went on to stress that Ghostbusters isn’t just about another sequel, but they are looking at building a brand over the next 10 years. Aykroyd said the focus was “not just another movie or another TV show, but what’s the totality of it? The whole mythology from the beginning of their lives, the end of their lives. Ghostbusters at nine years old, Ghostbusters in high school.”
Of course, this sort of sounds like the pattern that Fox has followed with the X-Men movies by spotlighting the characters at different stages in their lives, so it does apply back to what Aykroyd’s reference to Marvel at Fox.
Aykroyd also compared the current Ghostbusters concept to an abandoned car sitting in a garage that needed to be restored. Aykroyd explained, “That’s what we have to do. The whole vehicle of Ghostbusters has to be rebuilt. That’s the ambitious thinking that’s going on now. Taking on the model of Marvel where we take all of the elements that are in this movie and we put them out there as different ideas.”
In regards to the rumored female Ghostbusters team, Aykroyd confirmed that it was a possibility for Ghostbusters 3 or 4. However, he also added, “We need to write it.”